Hell, why bother mentioning those 2 when the overall statistics are even more depressing: only 6 out of 1000 rapists will ever go to jail. 994 out of 1000 rapists will face no consequences for their actions.
Hell, why bother mentioning those 2 when the overall statistics are even more depressing: only 6 out of 1000 rapists will ever go to jail. 994 out of 1000 rapists will face no consequences for their actions.
You don’t make a very good case when you say things that are factually false, even if they’re substantially true. What you should say is that while sexism against men is real, it’s utterly meaningless, because women don’t hold any real power in society. It matters not one whit if a group of women hate men, unless…
I agree it’s a lame cop out, but on the other hand, the most misogynist person I know in real life is a dude who never knew his mother and grew up in a monastery. Dude flat out hates women, and I suspect that wouldn’t be the case had he a mother or sisters in his life.
Part of me wanted to say that this seems like a bad precedent. But then I thought about the kinds of companies that subcontract out their janitorial services, and they tend to be truly shitty, evil people. So upon reflection, this is a fantastic ruling!
Yup. That’s exactly why, as I’ve mentioned before, I haven’t been able to bring myself to block him, yet. About half the time he’s making a really good point. But the other half the time, it’s like he’s from another planet.
It’s fucking Pandora’s Box. You know it contains all the evil in the world, but there’s no damn way anyone can resist looking. I guarantee you that anyone who says they never check their comments/mentions is full of shit, UNLESS they have a social media team who handles all that stuff for them and they don’t even have…
Careful, now, Ruprecht might see your comment and berate you for wishing harm on awful, shitty people. “Now, now, it doesn’t do to be uncivil to these monsters!”
In what world did it work great for the Obamas? They are absolutely detested by the right, and to a degree, Trump is the right’s reaction to Obama. Obama went high, the right said “fuck it, we’re gonna burn the whole world down so we don’t have to put up with another uppity n***** in the White House.”
“We don’t diddle kiddies!” Seriously, though, in the context of the show they’re all referencing, there’s only one reason any of them would have a cardboard cutout of a girl, so the disclaimer kind of needed to be made.
That judge is a fucking moron. You’d think a judge of all people wouldn’t overestimate the intelligence of the average American. Wait... what am I saying, I’m from Montana where judges let child molesters off on 30 days time served because “she [the girl he raped] was older than her biological age” and “was an…
I mean, did anyone expect anything less? Or more, depending on how you look at it?
Cynical, maybe. But you, on the other hand, obviously have way too much faith in the Great American Attention Span. I mean, have you missed the articles (and/or comments) about how most of the #MeToo men have already been forgiven?
Yeah, but in Breitbart world that’s a good thing.
All I know for sure is that A Quiet Place is easily the best PG-13 horror movie I’ve ever seen. It’s solid by any metric, but masterful by the standards of PG-13 fare.
I completely disagree with your first paragraph, but completely agree with your second. As someone with an excellent-but-not-eidetic memory who still often forgets little details, I firmly believe the old maxim that “the dullest pencil is better than the sharpest mind.”
You, sir, are a monster!
*just deserts
What, revealing that she’s just the latest in a long family line of heroes would be non-lazy writing?
Some people take pride in their work and get a feeling of accomplishment from a job well done. I know in my line of work, I sometimes have days where not a damn thing happens. I still get paid, and I don’t mind “sit on my ass” days once in a while, but if they come too frequently, I start to wonder what I’m even doing…
No kidding. I mean, part of me can certainly agree with the core premise, that everyone in the whole world are idiots, but to break it down much beyond that seems both fruitless and exhausting.