
Granted, my profile has never been as high as Xanderpuss’s, but I was firmly in the “we’re doomed to Trump winning” camp as well. I think in both our cases, it’s probably largely due to living in red states and seeing the raw, seething hatred people held for Hillary.

Yeah, this is easily the greatest number of responses I’ve gotten to a comment/thread at least since Kinja, maybe even before that. It kinda blows my mind that a value judgement on pizza would stir so much more discussion than anything else I’ve ever said on the AV Club.

Unfortunately, I’ve heard that same claim too many times over the decades, and every time I’ve gotten burned. Well... other than when they had their pasta bread bowl heart attacks. Those were fantastic, albeit diabetes-inducing.

See my pica comment downthread :( (or upthread, depending on how Kinja’s occult sorting algorithm is working at the moment).

Saying Def Leppard is better than Nickelback is like saying syphilis is better than herpes, because it’s curable. But then again, I suppose that makes a decent point, because much like syphilis and herpes, Def Leppard is comparatively easier to avoid than Nickelback is, these days.

Honestly, I get what both you and the question are saying. I’m partly being hyperbolic and facetious. But honestly, as I said in the case of my brother, it’s not like he went from hating the movie to loving it based solely on the alt-right’s contrary opinion. He went from being on the fence to being in support.

I actually really liked their pizza. I know, I know, that’s akin to admitting I have pica or something, around here. But yeah, I used to love Papa John’s pizza, but I haven’t eaten it for close to a decade now, because John Schnatter is such a piece of shit. (I stopped when he made his comments about cutting his

Nice! Now he just has to either die or divest all stakes in the company and I can once again eat Papa John’s pizza.

He already kind of liked the movie, but he had reservations. Knowing that the alt-right hates it, though, made him put aside those reservations because fuck the alt-right.

Counterpoint: no, no it’s not.

As others have said, there were some great things from the EU (Thrawn, Pellaeon, Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Jacen “proto-Ben Solo” Solo), but there was an awful lot of shit, as well.

I was never more proud of my brother than when he recently declared on Facebook that he apparently loved The Last Jedi now. He’d originally held mixed feelings about it—he liked some things, particularly that it wasn’t as formulaic as TFA, but felt there were some serious problems with the movie. But as soon as he saw

So you’re saying she still knows more about the Bible than your average Evangelical?

He’s no idiot, he knew it was going to be a bad thing. He’s just realizing one particular ramification that hadn’t really been addressed in the lead-up to the repeal. Most of the discussion was based on throttling competition (i.e. fucking over Netflix and other streaming services), turning the internet into an ala

Seriously? AVC is going to start using Buzzfeed-bullshit “...in 1 minute” headlines now?

What do you mean you don’t have $50mil to invest in a (bare-bones) new telecom company?! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps you slacker!

Short answer: no. Long answer: hahahahahaha, no.

Pssssh, the FCC beat him to the punch last week.

Kim Jong Hyun, aka Jonghyun from SHINee, aka legitimately one of the most talented singers/songwriters in K-pop. Died of suicide Sunday night/Monday morning. Not exactly on the same level as Bowie/Prince/Fisher, but dude was only 27/28 and, as I said, he was crazy talented.

I mean, I know that you stated at the outset that the silver linings were thin. But I just have to say that a small handful (and mostly old-school, at that) of country musicians reevaluating their political beliefs does not mean that country music as a whole is reevaluating anything. If anything, they’re just going to