
Again, not really news, but one of the saddest things is that I saw just as many Republican women expressing those sentiments as men.

Off-topic but tangentially related: as if there were ever any doubt, but today I have seen proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that sexual assault/harassment are the only allegations that will cause a Republican to defend a Democrat. Scrolling through the reactions on Facebook to the newest update on Al Franken’s

*clicks tongue suggestively*

Good stouts are not usually particularly bitter, at least not compared to IPAs. Stouts have developed an unwarranted reputation for bitterness, but I suspect it’s only due to people who would rather drink sour piss-water like Corona.

Ehhh... I’m pretty sure even if I got Canadian citizenship, anyone who mattered or cared would still refer to me as American, ‘cause that’s where I’m from and that’s the culture that shaped me. I know Katie can be sloppy, but I’m gonna defend her on this one.

There’s also the fact that, in an interconnected economy, when a sizable chunk of your colleagues, vendors, and customers are shut down, most of the work you could accomplish during that period is pointless.

I must admit I’m unfamiliar with that character. In fact, I’d only heard his name mentioned for the first time a few weeks ago on some other article where D&D was brought up.

Yeah, that whole letter convinced me that if he lived in the US, that douche would totally be a fedora-wearing Nice Guy.

I would assume the problem is that the wrong angle and lighting can make a dick (or anything else) look much smaller than it really is.

Gee, why would a gay man be upset about a president who would like to see all gay people rounded up and killed? Yeah, Dan sure sounds like a liberal pussy for getting upset about that.

Because Drizzt is cliched, poorly written garbage? I say that with the expertise of someone who read all of his adventures religiously up through my early 20s until I finally developed taste.

Technically, that’s part of the cast of Critical Role, but that’s not from Critical Role itself. Probably one of the numerous side-games they’ve participated in as cross-promotions.

I would add a single qualifier to that. To wit: unless the person is under 18 years of age and spends the rest of his life deeply regretting and repudiating the stupid bullshit he believed in his adolescence.

Do Republican politicians legitimately want a civil war? Because that’s what they’re going to get at this rate. I mean, their side will win, because they have literally all the guns, but do they really want that? Who will be their slave class if they kill 50% of the country?

Hah, knew the article was about “My Immortal” the second I read the headline.

Yeah, the irony of that situation was lost on nobody.

I wonder if this was around the time he got thrown out of the Fox offices while ranting about how it’s bullshit that guys can’t grope women with impunity anymore?

It feels like that should be racist, and therefore offensive, but, ehh, fuck him anyway, he’s fair game at this point.

When did Lou Diamond Phillips get so old? And why’s he wearing such a sloppy fake mustache?

While I agree with most of the points made here, I have to wonder how small a town would need to be not to be able to support Star Wars for 4 weeks? I live in a town of only 100,000, and people will easily still be watching it here a month from now.