
Huh... that looks like wassername, Bruno’s ex-girlfriend. Mike? Is that right? She’s clearly got the science angle going for her there, so that would fit. Guess I’ll find out when I pick up my issue tomorrow.

Revealing it, particularly the way it’s worded, is feeding into the narrative that all the women coming forth with allegations are only doing it for financial gain.

I’m legitimately baffled why he’s even bothering. He doesn’t need to convince anyone. The public has no say in this decision, and his job will remain secure as he’s an appointee, not an elected official. The only opinions that matter here are those of the telecom lobby who pay his “supplemental salary.”

I’m surprised no one else is calling him out for his subtle little “my assistant blackmailed me into confessing” bullshit. That addendum right there eliminates any good will I may have granted him for this.

I almost took his confession at face value until he had to throw in “oh, btw, my assistant blackmailed me into confessing.” Fuck off with that.

Considering that he made sure to throw in that his former assistant was essentially blackmailing him, yeah, he’s full of shit. He could have come clean without having to add “yeah, my former assistant threatened to out me if I didn’t pay her,” just as he could have said, “yeah, I didn’t get consent back in college.”

...is this for real? It seems like a bad SNL skit.

There’s some truth to it. Honestly, though, the biggest factors influencing the flavor or venison are 1) what the animal fed on while alive (i.e. was it eating grain, brush, or swamp grass), 2) the age/health of the animal, and 3) how the animal was prepped, from time of kill to delivery on your plate. An animal that

Oh god, no fucking Drizzt. That’s one of those characters who only exist to remind me how bad my taste was in my teens/early 20s.

I’m surprised at the love for One Day at a Time. I, for one, couldn’t get past the laugh track. I’d forgotten how much I’d grown used to modern formats that forgo the laugh track.

Omarosa is a great example of “person who would be extremely attractive if possessed of literally any other personality.”

Yeah, that tweet from Trump was definitely not written by Trump. Also, I’m so, so happy to have my low opinion of Alabamians proved wrong. Well, wrong-ish, considering how many still voted for Moore.

Yeah, I especially love the people who are pro-repeal who try to argue that this will allow more competition.

Oh, you sweet, summer child. Let me tell you about what life was like before ad blockers.

If only the average American voter had the slightest bit of power over this vote. This is why all this protest is pointless: the people voting on this aren’t elected officials, they’re appointees, and they’re wholly owned subsidiaries of Comcast.

Yes, surely this will change the minds of Ajit Pai and his corporate overlords.

Well, hot damn! That’s great news!

Isn’t iZombie over? The last episode of the last season certainly seemed like a series finale to me.

Plus, in the old days, bullying was more 1-5 on 1, somewhere out of sight of the nearest authority figure, and therefore typically out of sight of most other students. But with social media, it’s there for everyone to see, which leads to more people piling on in the frenzy.

Even as someone who likely has very similar taste in both porn and women, that is super cringey. Plus, as was already pointed out, the porn he’s looking for totally exists. Hell for that matter, it existed back in 2000. Asia Carrerra, anyone?