
Hahahahahahahahahahahaa! Oh, wait, you were serious?

Speaking as someone who got the shit kicked out of him every day for the first half of 7th grade, not to mention a decent chunk of 5th and 6th, I think physical bullying has remained about the same, but the advent of social media has made social/mental bullying far more brutal.

The only argument I’ve ever bought for “why R-rated movies are better” is that it grants greater flexibility in tackling mature subjects. But Star Trek proved with DS9 (particularly “In the Pale Moonlight”) that it could do that just fine without needing an “R” or “TV-MA” rating. More blood doesn’t make a movie

Yes, because the one thing Star Trek has always needed was to be more “extreme.” /heavy sarcasm

I agree. However, after what Sir Patrick said in this article, I might be slightly interested if they got him on board.

How fucking sad is it that she can’t ask for damages without being smeared as a gold-digger?

I’m normally reflexively annoyed by “I see what you did there” posts, but I’ll let it go this time, since apparently you’re the only one who did get it.

I don’t “have a problem with” Bill Clinton. I was a big fan of his presidency. But I’ve had to admit to myself that the man is a fucking serial assaulter, and the left will never have any credibility as the party of morality as long as Clinton remains unpunished. As MJS pointed out above, yeah, unfortunately the

While I’m with you on the “relevant” bit, the fact that it’s Alec Baldwin saying it on a fucking morning news program makes it 100% pop culture news.

By face the consequences, I mean he needs to be in prison.

Remember when the *actual* problem with Bill Clinton was the many claims of sexual assault and sexual harassment levied against him in the earlier days of his candidacy/presidency? Yes, the Monica Lewinsky thing was bullshit. But the fact that it’s bullshit doesn’t change the fact that Bill Clinton was absolutely a

Everybody knows... that Jews love Christmas!

“the rights of the father” Fuck. That. Shit. That one little excerpt right there, even without the context of the panels shown tells you all you need to know about this bullshit. I guarantee you this motherfucker is an MRA.

“Whataboutism” gets you an automatic “fuck off.”

While I don’t want to completely dismiss that fear for Crews’s career, I also wouldn’t get too worried about it. I mean, he’s got a pretty good gig right now with B99, he’s got tons of popularity, and he is, by all accounts, just a really nice dude. Someone like that, even if he did get blacklisted, could easily do

That “one wrong label” is the difference between treasonous collusion to undermine the presidential election and merely something not 100% kosher. Pretty fucking big difference that “wrong label” makes. Pretty much the difference between “arsenic” and “gluten.”

You know, the crazy thing about this is that a lot of the same people who will pitch shit about us talking about the fact that Singer’s predatory nature is an open secret are the same people who were like “why did no one take the rumors about Louis C.K. seriously?!”

I’m actually neither a website selling stereo equipment, nor a Lego man. I’m sorry if I’ve misled anyone.

Have you ever smelled a weasel?! I mean, not that it excuses their comparison to Senator Graham, but still. Anyone who has smelled one would not likely call them “perfectly decent animals.” “Better than Lindsey Graham” is about all you can honestly say of them.

Moore is kinda like a demi-Trump right now. The only thing Moore could do to lose support would be to have sex with a boy/man. Trump’s a bit more strongly supported, and his base are a bit less “Christian,” so Trump himself could get away with sodomizing a man, on public television, because they’d spin it as an