
Can we stop acting like we’re surprised that Moore is winning? It’s fucking Alabama, for Christ’s sake. I’ve said before, I’ll say it again and again until people get it through their heads: the only way he could lose would be to have sex with a man or boy. He could literally rape a woman on live television and he’d

My father (not to be confused with my “dad”) is a convicted child molester and a serial womanizer, so...

Some say beneath his coat there’s an open bathrobe.

Judging by his name, no, he doesn’t work in the US or else he most assuredly would have been deported already.

*the thing, not “thing thing.” Stupid kinja limited edit functionality...

No, that was actually thing thing he felt was untrue or mischaracterized, right there. He didn’t have a door lock button in his desk “like a James Bond villain,” he had a door lock button in his desk “like an Austin Powers villain.” It was right next to the one that drops people into an incinerator!

It is 100% meant to be dehumanizing when used by MRAs (who are mostly nerds). Maybe you’re okay with it, and I can certainly understand your reasoning. But that doesn’t negate the fact that anymore it’s primarily used in an insulting and dismissive manner.

Also: maybe women don’t appreciate being referred to as “females” as if they’re some alien life form. But maybe we’re expecting too much of poor ol’ NERD.

That’s because per-capita, they are the most poor. Yes, there are plenty of poor white folk, and those people are getting forced out by gentrification as well. But ultimately, the overall impact is worse for people of color.

Shit... for a second there I thought Shulkie was back, but then I looked at the date stamp and realized this is an old article dredged up by stupid Facebook. Dammit.

No, but as secretagentman pointed out, it does require an underactive/defunct conscience. I think Spicey, for better or worse, knew he was spouting bullshit and felt bad about it, and therefore it showed. Shucks is utterly devoid of conscience, so she can spout lies without betraying even the slightest twinge.

Stupid limited edit functionality... Should say “and who don’t realize that repealing Net Neutrality means...”.

I was going to say it hadn’t stopped them from flogging a dead horse so far, but then, sadly, I remembered that despite the near-universal derision, BvS still did extremely well at the box office. So, hey, let’s hope? Actually, no, I can’t even say that. I quite enjoyed Wonder Woman (though less than I have the better

As I pointed out to MonkeyBoy, there’s a reason I put quotes around “ousted.” It’s what his fanboys believe.

Not going to attack you, but I will point out that there was a reason I put “ousted” in quotes. My view of Snyder’s qualities as a director/writer/producer aside, I agree that what happened to him was tragic (and I’m not the kind to indulge in schadenfreude simply on the basis of disliking someone’s artistic output,

Your point is sound from a logical standpoint. The problem is that it doesn’t actually reflect the reasoning of those old conservative “Christians” at all. They’re all too happy to delegitimize religions practiced primarily by brown people.

Well, the problem is not so much that those big events don’t usually change things/shake things up, as that the next big event usually reverses all those changes. Because if there’s one thing audiences hate, it’s change.

Hey, if you listen to Youtube comments, everything that was wrong with Justice League could have been avoided if only they hadn’t “ousted” Snyder. My god... there are so many places in that last sentence where it’s next to impossible not to burst out laughing. *edit* For clarity: his fanboys believe he was ousted.

Huh... I dig his art style. Kinda a Charles Vess meets Carla Speed McNeil vibe. Plus, I’m always down for takes on Arthurian legend, so I might have to pick this up.