Yeah, everything recently seems to indicate that Jimmy Kimmel is a pretty stand-up dude, but I’ve never been able to give him a fair shake due to his history on that show, especially since there’s every indication that Adam Corolla is every bit the piece of shit that show made him appear to be.
Some of what he said in his apology/confession gives me the impression that while he knew he’d done something wrong, he may not have been sure of just how big a deal it was to his victims. Like, obviously he knew the rumors were true. But he may have thought/hoped that the presence of rumors and the absence of…
You can’t see Page playing broken and spiteful? Have you not seen Hard Candy or Super? I can totally buy it. Nevermind. I see you addressed this downthread.
Of course it does.
I first read that as “porn trilogy” and was interested, but then I reread it and my interest waned.
For a game that was published before it was actually finished, I’d say it was fucking fantastic.
I follow quite a few feminists and liberal celebrities on Facebook, which means I see a lot of extremely hateful, violent, threatening comments, which in turn means I report a lot of comments. Not a single one has had action taken by Facebook. Like, why is there even an option for “hate speech” if saying you “wish…
My god... the number of times I’ve reported comments on Facebook using the n-word or the c-word or saying shit like “I hope someone kills/rapes you” and being told, “We’ve reviewed the comment you flagged for hate speech and determined that it doesn’t violate our terms of service” is just staggering.
That essentially my take as well, but adding “If I want to attack someone on Twitter, this lets me know I’m attacking the correct Jason Kessler and not some unfortunate dude with the same name.”
Sure, just twist the knife why don’t you? *runs away sobbing*
Exhibitionism is a pretty common paraphilia, and apparently a lot of powerful men also get off on forcing others to accommodate that paraphilia.
*psssst* Harassment is a crime.
It’s not the crimes that are the differentiating factor, it’s the people who are accused of committing them. In the case of rape and harassment, it’s really only “white males” who people come out to defend. Black men don’t get the same “innocent until proven guilty” from either the justice system nor from “Men’s…
The last few months I’ve gotten over the PTSD symptoms (I no longer wake up feeling sick to my stomach, anyway), as it’s been replaced with more of a numbness. But I still find I don’t want to remember 8 November 2016, because that was pretty much the worst I’ve ever felt.
To be fair to the advertising campaign (in this instance only... because FUCK whoever came up with that asinine title), the show itself didn’t really help her “’90s Valley Girl” image. Of course, that was kind of the point, that she was an awful, vapid person in desperate need of a personality makeover.
While I agree that Selfie deserved a better shot than it got, I think there’s something to be said for Karen Gillan’s ability to play completely awful women. I mean, I absolutely adore her, and even her most awful characters aren’t without redeeming qualities (late season Amy Pond, whassername from Selfie), but she is…
My god. I wasn’t even able to make it half way through that interview. Spencer’s arguments are the kind of pseudo-intellectual bullshit I was into 20 years ago. But at least I had the excuse of being a dumb-fuck teenager. I just can’t understand how someone can survive past age 19 and still spout the kind of moronic…
Fair point, but just because elitists and Muslims are both groups hated by ‘Murricans, doesn’t mean that they conflate the two. It’s kind of hard to call someone an elitist while simultaneously calling him/her a subhuman barbarian, so your joke misfires as a result.
There’s also a possible third group: women who were abused by Weinstein, but sucked it up and dealt with it because they were told it was expected of women in their industry, and now that it’s all coming out, they’re only now allowing themselves to feel angry over their violation. That’s the feeling I got from her…