Oh, fuck off with your concern trolling. If you seriously think “being rude” or “calling someone fat” is anywhere near the level of “being raped,” then, no, you are the big fat problem with humanity.
Oh, fuck off with your concern trolling. If you seriously think “being rude” or “calling someone fat” is anywhere near the level of “being raped,” then, no, you are the big fat problem with humanity.
Especially since being called fat is equally as hurtful as being raped. (/sarcasm tag added for both of us)
I think it’s just the natural result of having been a Cassandra for years. Years of screaming the truth into the void and being made a pariah for it is bound to have an effect when the truths you’ve been ostracized for are finally accepted.
Ehhhh, he’s pretty fucking dumb, too. He just has a low, animal cunning.
That just makes me love him even more! (Well... not the torture part.)
I got a chuckle out of the fact that the “Yellowstone Super-Volcano Likely to Erupt Much Sooner Than Originally Thought” trending item on Facebook since yesterday is subtitled: “Faster, please.”
Yeah, now that you mention it, I recall hearing something about the blood of children being used for something... /sarcasm
“Well, yeah, but I’m black. Duh.” - QT
As someone who ripped the shit out of the first episode, only to come to appreciate the series on its own merits and actually love it by the end, I’d say you should give it a shot. As the review states: it’s absolutely not Dirk Gently. There’s nothing Douglas Adams about this show. It is, however, a pretty damn good…
Jesus Christ. Speaking of people who have nothing to do with this story...
I almost took issue with Emma Thompson’s characterization of Trump as “the most powerful man in the world,” until I realized that she may technically be correct. It’s just that the real most powerful person in the world right now (thank god) is a woman, Angela Merkel.
Granted, it wasn’t a movie, but it worked exceedingly well in Legion. I’m cautiously optimistic for this movie, despite sharing your issues with the quality of the trailer.
I care about this movie about 10000X more than I care about the “core” X-Men movies. And as another commenter pointed out, Legion is better than any of the movies.
My use of 16 as the cutoff has less to do with strict legality and more to do with the moral outrage that actually causes the justice system to prosecute rapes. The “justice” system seems all too happy to blame the victim if she’s over 16.
For the rich and powerful? Absofuckinglutely. Have we learned nothing from Cosby? And, well, every other upper class rapist who was smart enough to diddle someone who is old enough not to count as a “kid”? That’s the only reason Polanski had to flee. If he’d been smart enough to drug and sodomize an adult, he’d still…
Why would he? As long as none of the women he raped or harrassed are under 16, he has nothing to fear.
But why would they want to let everyone know something that’s so patently false? (That the rich and powerful aren’t exempt from the legal system, that is.)
Awww, geez.
I have a Cajun Chicken Alfredo recipe that’d like a word with you, but not actually, because recipes aren’t sentient beings capable of having words.
Fair point. I still think they’re a net negative, but I’ll grant that they’ve published a few things that have made a positive difference.