Yeah, the whole reason I made the post above is that this is a tricky one for me. The songs I noted are both songs I absolutely love, but at the same time I feel a little bit guilty every time I listen to them.
Yeah, the whole reason I made the post above is that this is a tricky one for me. The songs I noted are both songs I absolutely love, but at the same time I feel a little bit guilty every time I listen to them.
I'm not trying to discredit their later position; they were probably as "woke" as it's possible for a group of upper-class white rappers to be. I'm just saying that the claims that the song was always meant to be ironic are almost certainly bullshit.
I suspect it's wishful thinking, kinda like the revisionism surrounding Beastie Boys' "Fight For Your Right to Party." As much as I'd really love to convince myself that the song was an ironic "take that" at party culture, I know, deep down, that it was meant in earnest.
Supposedly, "Hong Kong Gardens" was written as a "fuck you" to racist skinheads who were beating up Asian families in their area. But it doesn't explain why they had to include all the "ching-chong" racist bullshit. Kinda like how "Arabian Nights" anti-misogyny message doesn't excuse its deeply anti-Semitic message…
Being totally fair, "Walk Like an Egyptian" isn't anywhere near as troubling as "Hong Kong Garden" or "Arabian Nights." …which, being equally fair, are both songs I really like, despite their deeply racist underovertones.
Aw, man, they're getting rid of Siouxsie and the Banshees? This was a joke about the fact that Siouxsie and the Banshees have some really fucking racist songs.
I'm a huge fan of Pratt, but Evans is one of the two men in this world I (as an otherwise straight man) would consider having sex with.
I agree, but I also understand why people are taking it hard. As I (and probably others) have pointed out before, it's like if Brangelina were likable people. It has the problem of being something everyone recognizes, while simultaneously being between two people who are generally well-liked and known for being…
Maybe it's just me, but this seems like a bad story to gender-swap, since a woman who doesn't age while a portrait of her gets old and ugly seems to play right into actual gender inequality issues. Which, I suppose, could be a good thing, but if I'm not mistaken, isn't Dorian Gray supposed to be kind of a not good…
And Dickinson is most certainly in that category. It's a shithole town made even shittier by the economic misfortune of being near an oil boom, which means its infrastructure was completely overwhelmed.
What happened to the old account? Retired in preparation for the Kinjapocalypse, or was it one of the old legacy accounts that just finally stopped working? *edit* Nvm, checked your history and saw you already explained elsewhere. Hooray for not hiding your history!
There is one silver lining I can see in that argument: it indicates that at least the people holding that ridiculous view don't share the values of the Nazis and other racists. They retreat to the false flag argument because they can't believe "their side" would be that bad. It's delusional, but at least it speaks…
Sadly, if the people you know are anything like those in my area, their answer will also include something along the lines of "Black Lives Matter is is just as bad!"
Here's one.…
Speaking of Bannon, did you all hear that Steve Wormtongue is currently out of favor with Saruman the Orange? Apparently Trump suspects that Bannon is the source of the leaks.
Because really, one needs time to weigh the correct moral position on murder.
Oh fuck off and die.
I'm going with impressed, since "das Boot" isn't even pronounced like boot-as-in-footwear.
Give 'em a couple years. They'll get there, just you wait and see.
Yeah, I figured that's probably what they're going for. It's just that anyone who has ever driven a back road is going to see the flaws in the metaphor. It is very much, as you point out, a shitty metaphor.