
*edit* On second thought… while my joke may have been okay elsewhere, I've decided it's in extremely poor taste on an article about R. Kelly.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean the man would be white, so it could still be BBC.

If they're white, why the hell should they care?

Implying that those dark corners won't or aren't already giving her that shit. The money is irrelevant; the important thing here is that a woman stood up to a man, and to those people that's too much.

Ahhh, so it is. Okay. If I'd noticed that in the first place, maybe it would have made more sense in its absurdity.

While it's true that they've been fostering disdain for decades, Trump has amplified the rhetoric exponentially. Even during all of Palin's bullshit about the "lamestream media," I never felt a fear that the government would implement censorship of the news. Now I know it's only a matter of months away at most.

Thanks. Now at least I know where it came from, even if I don't necessarily get the joke. By the "I'm not owned, I'm not owned" part, I assume it's referring to Trump, but it eludes me from there.

And Lincoln was a Republican! The fact that the two parties completely flipped their positions on civil liberties when the Dixiecrats switched parties is completely irrelevant to the discussion!

Ok, this is the second time today I've seen corncobs referenced in relation to liberalism. Is this a new joke I've missed? Or an old one?

They were called "National Socialists," duh!

Or by defending the actions of actual Nazis.

Not sure why they should even bother, considering they're Public Enemy #1 to Trump.

No, Michael on The Good Place is far more likable than Lord.

The funny thing is that under eugenics, a sizable chunk (heh) of the Republican leadership would be considered genetically inferior.

Honestly, given that the population disparity between our most and least populous states is far more dramatic than that between German states, that would create an even greater balance of power toward our rural states.

I still shudder when I recall the number of times I heard comments either to the effect of or verbatim "It's going to be nice to have an adult in the White House again" when Trump was elected. In what world is Trump more adult than Obama? I was unfortunately forced to assume that they mean that Obama was a "boy" in

Sorry, I didn't phrase it well. It's not really the simple removal of term limits I was referring to, but rather the fact that the second a president was allowed to become "president for life" (meaning no elections, which is the hypothetical that @avclub-eaff9f19dbfd5c5a5807b5dbfa656ec9:disqus had posed to start this

When by "wrong person" you mean "person who is utterly, catastrophically unqualified for the position," then, yeah.

Faithless electors were supposed to be part of democracy. Democracy is fine and good, but sometimes people are just morons (as this election proved beyond a shadow of a doubt).

Only fools. As much as I was okay with Obama, were he to become president for life, he could easily become dictator for life. Term limits are there for so many reasons.