
you know where’s more racist than here? everywhere else.

It’s amazing how the worst thing that can happen to a guy is to be rejected by a woman. To us, we can be stalked, raped, murdered, etc. not that it doesn’t happen to men, yes guys, it can happen to you too, but not to the same degree. The numbers are different. Very different.

Trump supporters are either so outwardly racist they’re fine with him being compared to Hitler or they’re inwardly racist and will accuse any critics of unfairly attacking him. But if you’re not a Trump supporter, this is fucking real. There’s no ‘maybe he won’t be so bad.’ He will be because he’s already told us.

I agree. And i think its to our detriment that people are afraid to liken things like Trumps insane immigration policy to the beginnings of genocide. Sure, no one wants to be THAT guy comparing shot to slavery, but when it all starts looking like slavery, someone has to speak up.

He didn’t compare it to the Holocaust.

I mean, yes, that’s largely how deportation works: raiding homes, shelters, and jails based on lists; “storing” people in deportation and detention centers; and then flying or “shipping” them out. How else would it happen? If it sounds gross and dehumanizing, it’s because it is.

Bullshit. I am a Jew and this rhetoric is literally straight from the fachist text book.

Strongly agree! It seems that people remember the Holocaust(images of death camps, stories of survivors) but not enough about how it came to fruition which is absolutely crucial to never letting it happen again.

Oh, please.

I'm Jewish. I get offended very easily by Holocaust comparison. I can only speak for myself, but this doesn't offend me in the least.

Really don’t think it’s in bad taste, because for once the Nazi reference fits the bill.

How is it in bad taste to bring up historically accurate information which mirrors the Republican candidate’s stated ideology?

The fact that Kristallnacht needs to be defined twice in this article is kinda proof enough that people have NO FUCKING CLUE how horrible shit got and how Hitler got started. So no, the language isn’t too strong. Trump is a fucking Nazi.

My fellow Americans, you need not fret, nor fear, for the American dream is still alive and thriving. Through your own hard work, ingenuity, and resource management you can still build your dream home and white picket fence .... in .... Minecraft.

I actually really respect her on that. Everyone keeps giving her shit that she won’t say who she would vote for instead but why should she when he’s still a candidate? I’m not.voting for him so I hope no one jumps on me for this because they think I’m a Bernie bro but I don’t think what she’s said is actually a

Bears, wolves, etc?

Wait, what? Are you serious?

Right? Make them take a mystery pill 3 times a day. Could be placebo. Could be a laxative. Could be an Ambien. Could be an emetic....

“A lot of young girls and women have to plan their life events around their menstrual cycle and it suuuuucks”

Sounds like these guys had the experience of what it’s like to be 12 and not know how to deal with having a period. For real world adulting period having, I’d like for them to suddenly be so tired one day all they want is to nap. Then 2 days later feel like they have to eat every item of food they can find. Then the