
These “stories” about Louis Ck; they’re rumors cobbled together into muddy accusations. Jen Kirkman hates you for continuously reporting on this non story.

SOME cops say that SOMETIMES. Judging all members of a group by the actions of a few is pretty terrible, just line judging, I don’t know, people as criminals by their tattoos since many criminals have tattoos. Lots of police are normal, lovely, socially conscious, responsible people. The opposite of these girls in

Just... Use your brain. If you had to pick a possible motive for the crime based on the circumstances and location, wouldn’t it be drug related? Not the PC bullshit part of your brain. The part that thinks critically about violent drug groups, how and where they operate, and the demographics of the people primarily

Why is the “taking turns” comment what everyone is taking away from this? It was a little throwaway thought to encourage undecideds or Trump supporters to keep reading. I guess all it did was piss off the language police. The point of the “essay” or whatever(blog post?) is that Trump is a dangerous, unfit leader.

Shrikes. They’re called shrikes.