not just that but also a Kennedy, right??
I feel the same way! I do not know who he is but I am now following him on Instagram. Merry Christmas to me.
“For someone like Swift, Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford was the elusive “perfect victim.”...She was supposed to be safe, and one can only presume it’s the dissonance of Kavanaugh’s confirmation coupled with her own experience with sexual assault that prompted Swift into action. For the first time, she was directly at risk.”
Oh cool we’re still on this subject, awesome
As a WOC and a feminist I say this - Jezebel’s hate against successful white women is ridiculous. You do more harm to the cause than help it and please take your SJW superiority somewhere else. How do you think we’ll bring about progress when there’s a whole faction being bitchy about a successful woman just…
I’m not going to argue whether ‘rant’ is the best term for this 1100-word take-down. As for ‘well-written,’ I can agree that a lot of five-dollar words and phrases are used, some of them correctly.
I created a burner account just to say that you really need to use a dictionary and other reference tools when you write, because neither ‘prodigiousness’ nor ‘Occam’s Razor’ mean what you seem to think they do.
Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this…
“...she revealed her nominees for the Tennessee Senate”
I swear. Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it. Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one.
There’s one episode where Max’s wife pops in for a minute and he speaks to her Portuguese. He’s definitely the hot one.
He is so freaking hot. I watched that show just to look at him.
There’s no “ish” about it, Max is definitely the hot one. It’s the hair.
thats lord disick, hannah.
Paul Rudd forever !!!!!!
It makes me incredibly sad that any fourteen year old feels the need to put out an official statement about their very confused emotional life.
It gives me a lot of pleasure to daydream the various levels of celebrity crisscross the international celebrity coupling of Chopra-Jonas is sure to inspire. Despite being so royal adjacent via the bride, I’m really excited that they’re only two degrees removed from (New) Jersey aristocracy via the groom.