
I finished DEATH STRANDING on Wednesday night. Absolutely beautiful game—I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I finished it. But man, in the words of former Kotaku video producer Tim Rogers, “boy am I ready for the dumbest possible game now!” To that effect, I started that Yakuza 7 last night, and man, that’s

fortunately you can probably get through Undertale’s pacifist route in like, a few days of heavy play. I think that was a ~15 hourish game for me, and I even re-started it a few times because I screwed some things up. I haven’t gotten around to Control yet but Hollow Knight.......that took me a good while longer to

More Death Stranding. I’m currently on Chapter 5, and it feels like things are really heating up. I’ve been enjoying the game overall so far, but it’s certainly among the weirder things I’ve ever played. That being said, I can’t resist the urge to just “get through it” so I can play Yakuza 7....

This is it—my final Persona 5: Royal update. What a ride.

the latter. 

weirdly they didn’t announce the PS+ Games for March, either! 

that was, in my opinion, the hardest boss of the game that i’ve played so far. I’m now into January in P5R, so we’ll see if the Royal Bonus Dungeon’s boss is harder. But that was the only boss that I actually took the “go back one day” option in the Game Over screen, so I could power up my team’s Baton Pass (it’s

Marching towards the final act in Persona 5: Royal. Major spoilers below:

It’s time again for my Persona 5: Royal update. Just got to the November dungeon, and am sitting just north of 80 hours in the game. I should hopefully be able to knock out the Casino tonight/tomorrow, and then plow ahead towards the endgame. It’s a long weekend, so hopefully I can get a lot done! Things are getting

no, that was “DaShareZone”. dril has always been one guy, save the bit/hoax of him “selling” his account (which never happened).

This is turning into a log of my Persona 5: Royal status. I just started the second semester, which means the 5th dungeon will probably reveal itself pretty soon. I’m averaging about a dungeon a week, but the life sim section of summer break after beating the 4th dungeon was so incredibly long. You don’t realize how

lol tim’s review took me a week of breaking it up, and i’m now getting through a little bit of his mondo streams getting Megumi from the other week. Can’t get enough tim tokemeki memorial content!

This is something that dates back to the original Yakuza, and it’s honestly one of the more endearing parts of the series. Treating the homeless like people is part of the soul of these games, and it rocks.

The Persona 5: Royal train ain’t stoppin’ for nobody. Just cleared the 3rd dungeon, so that means it’s more life sim and slink time this weekend. Maybe taking a break to finally give Hitman 2 a shot (got it for dirt cheap the other week, figured it’s worth a shot to see if I should get Hitman 3 eventually). Also,

I’m deep in Persona 5: Royal now. Past the first big checkpoint in dungeon 2, so my goal will be to get through that and then life sim to when the story picks up next! 

Since beating God Of War (2018) earlier this week, i’ve been breezing through Spider-Man: Miles Morales. GOW was absolutely fantastic, and Miles Morales is fun enough. But with this being a long weekend for me, I think it’s time for me to finally jump into Persona 5: Royal. Pray for me and my future free time lol. 

in this case the “free DLC” reads to me as “stuff we initially wanted to put in the core game, but couldn’t because we ran out of time”. I’m not expecting it to be like, “Blood & Wine” but there’s a decent chance it’s Pretty Good. 

heck, it looks like i will be waiting an extra year for a fully baked game anyway! I’m not playing this until it’s optimized for my PS5! 

Enjoying getting to dabble in the PS4 classics I never got to play. I’ll probably play more God Of War (2018) and maybe a little Fall Guys. If I need a break from smashing monsters with an ax, a little Miles Morales or Bugsnax.

for over a month I saw anecdotes of people saying they keep putting their discs in the vertical PS5 upside-down. I was fully aware of this, and even thought of it when I was setting up my console last weekend. Later that night, when I popped in my copy of Persona 5: Royal, what did I do but put it in upside-down, of