
messing around at the school was fun for the first half, but after the midpoint, I was really hoping for them to mix up the mechanics some and instead I was like “oh......... it’s just more this?”. I truly enjoyed the game—loved the math of the battle systems, truly enjoyed the characters, and the game had the right

this is it 

yeah they really ramp up the difficulty of that last section, but man, it’s satisfying when you actually pull it off. 

it’s one of my go-to “i just bought a switch what should i buy?” answers. Fantastic game, can’t wait for the sequel. 

I think the whole thing is now on Game Pass, so yeah, I’ll be joining you in that REAL soon. 

The Outer Worlds hooked me. My wife had a work thing last night, so I played for a solid 6 straight hours and, yeah, that sounds like there’s more in the upcoming days.

i gotta say: i was in your boat. My launch Joy Cons got The Drift and a new set fizzled out for mysterious reasons. So I got fed-up and just bought an official Nintendo Pro controller and buddy, it’s one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. It’s a Top 5 controller I’ve ever used. It effectively transitioned me to a

I’m losing my mind trying to think which of these extremely dumb basket cases would make the best president. A Stassi/Schwartz ticket would at least be a slight tick up from what we got now. 

missed opportunity here to name this “Deadspin Simulator 2020"

I’m guessing this is true for everyone, but I bought the digital version of Sword this morning, and got an email from Nintendo immediately afterward that I got 12 free Quick Balls. So, here’s my tip: take the free Pokeballs that they give you lol. 

lol I just bought a new SD card (256gb) because I was out of room and needed space for SwSh, so I spent all last night re-downloading all my games. It would absolutely suck if I had to do this in consecutive nights. 


Wow! I can comment on an article!

Hey Josh, not only do I love sports, but I love other topics when they have a sports-related angle, so I have to say I was excited to read this article.

good sports blog. Deadspin forever.

it’s bad enough that jim spanfeller and the other corporate bosses are brutally incompetent, but they’ve also chosen to be absolute fucking cowards, too.

Hi, this is off-topic, and I’m not even out of the dang grays here, but since they haven’t been cowards enough to shut down comments on ALL sites, I’m just popping by to say fuck jim spanfeller all the way to hell.

hell yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever not had Desmond Bryant’s mugshot as my avatar, but I’ll set him aside for this. 

Good sports blog. You hear that, you overlord prick bosses? They wrote a fucking sports blog, are you happy now?

I will say, the one thing this game really falls short from Fall Out is the soundtrack, so I’m hoping that this will augment it a little :)