he’s so good at this. he’s already the best NFL studio analyst along with being a top 5 QB.
he’s so good at this. he’s already the best NFL studio analyst along with being a top 5 QB.
The last two levels in that game ruled so hard from a level design/music perspective. I’m glad I did that route first, and that the one I plan on doing next is the shortest, lol. But I feel you, I haven’t put the 100+ hours into it that you have, but 45 on Golden Deer is a nice time to take a break.
A flawless blend of world building and mechanics. I cared so much about the protagonist that I was determined to Climb That Mountain for her. I stayed up until 1:30am on a work night trying to beat the final level, working my thumbs raw. It was absolutely worth it.
lol you and me both, buddy. This week I completed the Verdant Wind path of FE:3H, which feels like a nice break point before I do the Black Eagle run in NG+--eventually. I’m determined to beat Ganon in BOTW (finally, after nearly 110 shrines and 150+ hours) this weekend and, as my reward, I’m gonna buy DQ11.
“oh boy, I can’t wait to obliterate some chump wild monsters for 3 hours until the math says I can go to the next zone comfortably” - absolute freaks who are angling to be mad about literally anything to do with the kid’s game with the cute monsters
This entire discourse has reeked of “everybody involved desperately needs to Log Off For Like Two Days” and truly, that’s what we should do.
The A’s have a top-tier aesthetic, play in a great market, and have an all-time GM, and yet they’re saddled with the stingiest ownership this side of Miami and are forced to play in a literal sewage treatment facility. Life is truly about the give and take.
and shit, propping Cousin’s up to submarine the Vikings was mostly McVay anyway lmao
oh god this is going to happen isn’t it
Yeah, that was one of those excruciating RP appearances where if only 6 things go wrong instead of 7, they’re in the 9th with a clean inning.
oh yeah, for sure. The Red Sox print money and have for the better part of 30 years. Your take is way more accurate with the finances; I was going for a pithy pot-shot at how ridiculous hemming and hawing about the budget is lol.
John Henry has a net worth of $2.7 billion.
i’m assuming a real NBA addition of this rule would include a coward’s stipulation where you have to make both inside 2 minutes of both halves.
He broke the locker room for him. Coaching changes usually help assuage locker room fissures that coaches themselves create.
100%. I started writing a whole thing about Minor Leaguer salaries and Arb years also, but then I deleted because I didn’t want to Write A Novel in these comments lol.
[presses finger to earpiece] sources close to the situation can confirm this, yes.
we’re still gathering information--and stories like this contain a lot of nuance--but that seems to be the 20,000 foot view of it, yes.
Many messiah stories start out with our hero being cast into the wilderness. Okeke’s trials begin in Lakeland, FL.
unless you can prove he’s not a god-king sent from the beyond to rule the nba for millennia, you have to make conditions.
I understand why this isn’t a bigger deal. Ownership/Management gets to save some scratch and get patted on the back for being savvy—Silver isn’t going to push the envelope there to investigate. And all Player’s Unions, generally, don’t give a flip about rookies. But in this case, they should.