
I know we’ve all blocked it from our memories but I’m pretty sure last year still happened.

“He went as long as he could”

This is really starting to piss me off. There is a proven NFL starter, proven playoff winning QB out there and no team will look at because of his outspoken beliefs. #Tebowblackball

I don’t know if Trevor Seimian (I just had to Google his last name for correct spelling)

This is my Tiger Woods take. And you’re free to shit all over it, but I stand by it.
Tiger’s downfall was getting married. As soon as that engagement was announced, Derek Jeter should have had a goddamn intervention for him.
Tiger was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time and racking up majors at similarly steady

Nah. The Bears are just bad, but you have to go some to reach the Browns or Jags level. That’s like a level below the Jets. If somebody tells me they’re a Bears fan I laugh with them about their team. If somebody says they’re a Jaguars fan I study them. What makes them tick? They’re rare creatures. It’s like spotting

I just now realized that Blaine Gabbert and Blake Bortles are two different people.

Byron Leftwich will be on that list, just as soon as he completes his throwing motion on this pass he started in 2009.

Mr Tumnus would be the perfect Jags defensive coordinator. Tasked to capture humans but can’t be bothered to do so. “Goodness gracious me!”

This does not even begin to resemble a coherent sentence, Steve. I feel like he’d hate being called Steve.

+1 obscure Bible trivia

“Sometimes you just have to beat an ass.”

His first aid kit includes several Affliction t-shirts and Drowning Pool mp3's

I’m sorry, while there is no known cure for soccer, it can be managed.

He’s going to Miami, bank on it. The man is a GLORY BOY who will follow the glitz and glamour to South Beach.

Not sure I agree. Serge Ibake is clearly an upgrade from Serge Easybake.

As someone who played rugby throughout college I can confidently say that I still have no idea what’s going on.

Because competition is fun and entertaining? Because that’s the whole point if the league?

Obviously they won’t go. No one in the NBA supports a travel ban.