
The last time I remember this as a common term in banter is probably in my high school/college days in the early 00’s.

haha i rushed to the comments to say this exact same thing when I read that sentence. nicely summarized.

I’m glad he’s your ex.

I bet you’d be happy receiving texted photos from someone of something they relate to you, or a meaningless souvenir like a ticket stub from an event that someone went to as well? Or am I completely off base? I dig these type of gestures as well..because knowing that someone is thinking of you and sharing something

Many will come in my name, saying “I am the Christ”.

Another fantastic Pats fan comment A++

yeah bruh humility is definitely the one thing you want as your emotional foundation before competing in a professional environment

This fucking sport. Where you aren’t allowed to celebrate badass exploits on the field. What on earth. If I were to crush a home run in front of 30,00 people, then I for damn sure would admire that baby cruising out of the park, just as I would do a touchdown dance if I hit the endzone or would unleash a beast roar

I mean....this is exactly what’s happening here, right?

I wonder what team you root for.

oh oh oh. I’m on the same page as you then.

Do you need to know someone personally to determine that their assault by a teammate was out of line?

is your gif supposed to somehow justify your statement? Is it him being shirtless? or is it the hair? or what? For a million dollars I cannot figure out why people hate this dude. He’s an insane talent with personality that has zero issues off the field and plays with the intensity of Dennis Rodman.


why the fuck does he need to play the game “with class”, whatever that means? Baseball fans are so weird.

You should try to stick to one thought per comment. Or at least reduce from 55 thoughts per comment.

Can anyone explain to me what the difference of this scandal and the UNC scandal is, and why the two programs are having vastly different punishments (or lack thereof) by the NCAA?

The density of takes in this one meme is approaching Neutron Star level

i’m trying to think of a time when this meme would make sense. It would probably have to be between OJ in 1994 and the Broncos back to back superbowl wins in 98/99. But 94-99 wasn’t exactly a paradigm for internet meme culture, so I’m just generally at a loss as to how this meme came to exist.

Hey Ace what exactly qualifies as quality opposition if two previous year playoff teams and a rival many picked to win the division don’t?