
You spent so much time coming up with those examples! You should have just linked to that yourteamcheats website that all other Pats fans endlessly reference.

if this isn’t cheating than what the fuck does cheating mean? Jesus the mental gymnastics that Pats fans are executing would exhaust Dominique Dawes

This comment basically encapsulates why everyone loves creators and not critics.

And here this whole time silly ol me thought you needed only 30 respondents to a survey to validate your data.

Your writing on some of the heaviest issues of the last year has cemented you as one of my favorite writers. Great work.

Because understanding and innovating the workplace isn’t practical? Even though it directly affects workplaces in EVERY INDUSTRY? Nice job knowing what Troglodyte means, but bad job directing it at the author instead of yourself.

yikes +1

Your roommates or the bugs? cool either way, I guess

I’m just surprised he hasn’t brought up that lion being killed by the dentist yet.

I just read this entire thread (god help me) as well as a few of this dudes other discussions. He’s generally angry at every person on kinja for everything. My hilariously uninformed guess? He has a boss or a SO who doesn’t listen to his opinions and comes on here to blow off steam and let everyone know just how

you sound like a mega mega bad ass man!


I kinda dug how that nice kid trying to steal the girl from the bully set you up for a resolve and then just went with the girl telling him she didn’t like him like that.

of all the things to lie about in the world, saying “I am a fan of MSU” on a deadspin comment section seems like an awful weird one.

seriously! grown-ass men should spend 25 hours a day doing paperwork.

you sound like a really fun, reasonable friend

I’m all for a good, creative, humorous troll job, but this is so stupid.

My favorite thing in the world is hearing the term “PC” or “Political Correctness” and immediately knowing whoever is making that statement is an ultra-conservative person who hasn’t taken time to update their lexicon in 15 years. Literally no one gives a shit about being politically correct besides all the people

what is this unholy amalgamation of Kobe and Trump?

He wasn’t fired for “appearing on a podcast”. He was fired for disclosing company info without approval. Way different. But your title will drive more clicks.