
I remember reading that in Simmons original piece, and immediately understanding his point (transcendent talent that just can’t win to the level of expectations) and also inferred that the Sedin’s must have this same perception even though I watch about 15 minutes of hockey total a year. Burneko’s demonstrative

yeah I have been watching the game. I don’t disagree that he’s been serviceable in an extremely high pressure role. I just think that making the decision to not either get a good look using more of the shot clock or getting the ball into Blake’s hands was really questionable. To do that and then lose the ball because

The disbelieving pause made it incredible. “And here comes...Austin Rivers!?”

Are we watching different clips? Austin rivers just caused an unforced turnover with 20 seconds left on the shot clock down 4. He basically cost them any chance because of his inability to complete a behind the back dribble. I’ve never seen anything like it.

I love the passion, though.

I brought up deflated footballs because that’s what this article is about.

The point is its dumb that you get to get to use things in the past to justify things that are happening right now. This same string of cheating incidents was spouted off when for people defending spygate, then that formation, then this. Its like...yeah those past incidents are never changing. You know what can

Thank goodness for those incidents from 20-30 years ago that Pats fans can continue to use to justify each new infraction they commit. So dumb.

I clicked. Damn it.

that would be a really good team, man.

Imagine if Michael Jordan was still on the Bulls with D-Rose!

I don’t see any way Bucks trade Giannis to start a rebuild. That team, along with TWolves, has the brightest upward trajectory of anyone in the league right now. I can see the other moves though.

how’s high school in 2005 treating you?

Tell me more about this social nexus where these products are consumed away from society’s basic structures! Sounds like an amazing place.

I’m so confused why in a situation like this where, quite frankly, no one has all the information besides the two involved, you would choose to take such a firm stance in Busch’s defense. Like you’re only justified if it is actually true that she is just making up all of this. But no one can know that! Literally any

I didnt watch the games yesterday because it was a beautiful day to drink. Is this a real article or did i accidentally go the onion?

Trel? Is that you?

I guess. But 4 years later and I struggle to even remember a single jam off IV.

Not the first album that wasn’t worthy of putting “Carter” on it...

Kawhi Leonard’s “bored thermonuclear explosion” style of play is pretty damn compelling as well.