
Funny. I don’t ever remember Michael Jordan being upset at the purely coincidental game, position, and team similarities of Roster Player in NBA Live.

FWIW I have a buddy who spent quite a bit of time with Thabo in OKC, and he couldn’t believe he was involved in this, and that he would be confrontational with the police. Apparently he is an extremely low key dude.

Different types of news use different types of talent to appeal to their target market. People like yourself, who don’t like clickbait and other cheap metrics, are going to be attracted to talent that doesn’t use those tactics and instead provides thoughtful, intelligent, and nuanced content, find themselves at places

The writers are “talent”, so espns marketing efforts as a whole arent the sole driving factors in their popularity. Developing their own following is huge for them and gives them negotiating power. Im not sure how to best measure this other than in clicks etc?

Is bob loblaw's law blog paywall protected?

Wait. What is the acceptable business model/way to measure writers then?

It may be delusion, but I’ll always wonder how the game would have been different....

Being a Broncos Fan has been so euphoric and so painful lately!

From my tundra perspective, hardly anyone thinks its a sad time for the Wolves. We have a plausible future superstar along with a lot of young talent and an upcoming top draft pick.


I'm not sure it'll have the longevity to be the song of the summer. It's at about its peak right now as far as club play but I guess radio play lags a little.

this is some serious suspension of disbelief. No knock on Izzo, but to blindly say that he runs a "clean program" as he repeatedly gets top recruits seems Pollyannaish. There are a lot of machinations that occur to get players benefits that can circumvent the coaches if the coaches prefer to keep their hands clean.

in all fairness I haven't listened to Tetsou & Youth. I gave everything he did a solid listen following Food & Liquor and found it more and more unlistenable and him more insufferable with each subsequent release. I'll give that album a chance.

Food & Liquor is one of my favorite albums of all time. Lupe has not created anything even close to it since. His lyricism is out of control but he just hasn't figured out a way to make things..you know...listenable.

wow what a risky opinion!

no its not. Lupe is almost unlistenable now days.

oh good I'm glad we could get your conclusive judgment on them being "bad music".

Dude this list was eclectic and had heavy hitters like Drake on it as well as a lot of way lesser known artists. You obviously take pride in your hip hop love but as a consequence you seem to have no perception of "mainstream". Also the MTV cracks are seriously still being made?

I'm not being an ass, buddy. Saying "it's well studied" and then not providing any support for that is a tactic of the uninformed. You actually have a study to support your claim, so it's appreciated.

as long as you state that it's well-studied, no need to actually provide, you know, links to studies or anything!