
Trigger equates to people who are unable to control their inner-world and therefore want everyone around them to control the outer.

It wasn’t so long ago that people were complaining about Ben Carson not being a politician, but just look at him now!

So I’ve been ignoring this topic for a while now, as it was clear to me from the moment I heard about these two that they are just click-baity attention whores. But I feel I can’t ignore it anymore without at least telling you, the Kotaku writers: Stop posting articles about them. Them being bad at existing isn’t

(the difference is because men and women metabolize alcohol differently, mostly due to lower amounts of water in women’s bodies compared to men)

Saint Patty is responsible for America’s obesity problem.

Whew! I saw that picture of beer, malt liquor, wine and whiskey and got really worried. But I hardly ever drink all 4 of those at the same time.

It’s new to me baby!

Everything can be ported.

Just trying to move the payload is all

Magnesium is transdermal in some circumstances. If you suffer from a magnesium deficiency, as many people do, epsom salts baths can help. Muscle cramps and weakness is a symptom of mag deficiency. The jury is still somewhat out on if it helps DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).  http://www.mgwater.com/transdermal.sht

After living in NYC for so long, I’m not surprise by “hostile” urban design nor offended that they exist.

I am so tired of the shaming of these installations. They’re usually put in place to address an existing safety/health or damage problem on PRIVATE PROPERTY. Even in instances where they’re used or sanctioned by the city it’s totally understandable.

Most of the images on this dumbass hashtag aren’t even geared towards

Understanding the legal system trumps what a local paper said. Bail is set with charges, not arrest.

An arrest is not the first step of an investigation— it is one of the last.

The article says he hasn’t been charged. But it shows a screenshot of the arrest report saying his charge which is weird.

The government website screencapped says otherwise.

He was charged, you dolt.

You can catch every big monster rather than killing it. Then they hang out in Astrea PLUS you get more stuff. Shock Trap/Tranq Bomb.

“Screw you, I got mine”

Just in case you wanted the short version of that.

Remarkably stupid comment, thank you.