
They always bring down their potential with all the things they skimp on.

I didn’t know they did this to the BEST death in all filmdom.

Mmm. Satiating.

Oh shit!

Nope. Some exclusives only exist because of the first-party involvement.  

This sounds like a petty complaint. As a PS4 user I don’t care for the ability to play on other platforms. What would those be? A Vita? C’mon get real. A PC? Well If I were a PC player I’d just play on PC and not bother with Sony at all. I see these comments here like Sony is successful so this is a fuck you to us.

Remake or not, its the rights-holder’s responsibility to defend their property. Not defending it with a C&D would later come to bite them in the ass. If they want to maintain their rights they can’t be ‘cool’ with SOME unauthorized usage but not others. Everybody gave ‘em shit for not being cool but that’s not an

The whole impeachment thing is dumb. If only for the reason that every motherfucker in line of succession after Trump is worse than the next and ALL are worse than Trump. I mean, what better way to keep you from firing me- my replacement will burn you down, so...devil you know.

If you’ve ever thought of putting in a pool in LA/Santa Monica, you know how ridiculous this sounds.

Feh. One looks sorta generic, the other’s not my bag. Typical month.

Mini Metro is sublime!

Mini Metro is sublime!

Where is Nina Lemone? Look, they’re doing it again! Theme of 2017...

That Dva skin is everything!

Now playing

“All right Ramblers, let’s get ramblin’”

Pffft. She’s “Fine”, what a compelling reason to leave her squishy. I still play her most but I don’t even think of her as a tank anymore. Just a semi-squishy with part time mobility to harass.

Trump is TLDR incarnate.

“Is this EASY mode?”

Can I get a direct feed to the daily post?, thanks ;p

I’ll probably finish Horizon Zero Dawn, feels like I’m close...level 43, side quests getting sparse. Aaaaand Overwatch. Oh! and ABZU is a PS+ game so for sure will run through that. Heard it’s a few hours, all-in-one-sitting deal like Journey.

I’m tired of “BIG-Digital-Photo-Frame” holding digital photo frames hostage at ridiculously inflated prices for what is essentially a screen saver with SD-in. They know the only reason to buy one is for your momma and they JACK up the price!!

I’m tired of “BIG-Digital-Photo-Frame” holding digital photo frames hostage at ridiculously inflated prices for what