Every time I get teabagged in games I call the police and report that I’ve just been sexually assaulted.
Every time I get teabagged in games I call the police and report that I’ve just been sexually assaulted.
No, the fault is on the person attempting to subject others to their own perceptions of what they think a medium should be despite having had about a glass of water to do with the ocean that is available.
but anita isnt like most critics. most critics dont try to pressure laws to be put into place to enforce their opinions
They aren’t “wilting to her whims”. They are terrified of dogged negative coverage from outlets like this one more interested in generating outrage clicks than useful criticism.
Nope none. That is why I was saying I thought she might try and say something positive or give examples on when she thinks someone does something right. But it’s always negative reinforcement, not positive.
Yep. She’s just a female Donald Trump.
I’m sorry but this newest video is so stupid. Elizabeth in Bioshock infinite? Really?
You know she doesn’t even play games right?
Hmm, I suppose jealousy may be accurate. I am well-off, but I do (sometimes) work for my money. I don’t consider what Sarkeesian does as “work”, or even anything that needs funded, because popular YouTubers do videos like this, or of better quality than this on a far more consistent basis than an average of 3-4…
I saw Ellie and thought, “Hey cool maybe she will end the last one focusing on possitve portrayls of women in games.” Nope! No one is safe.