
Does it trigger your timbers when that happens?

If you’re that super sensitive in the first place, you shouldn’t be playing MMOs at all. Otherwise there are block buttons and such in multiplayer games. Stop forcing politics into games, gamers are sick of it. They’re not real people you’re playing as, so there is nothing to actually consent or not consent to.

No, please keep E3 open to the public. I don’t give a sh!t what games journalists have to say about gaming. I want to hear actual gamers opinions, thanks. Stop trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

She literally cherry picked Resident Evil 4 as being sexist because Sherry opens doors for you, or whatever, when RE has an otherwise 100% perfect track record on feminism in gaming.

That number is inaccurate. Women aren’t playing AAA games in large numbers. Stop going by these made up figures.

She literally won’t answer questions asked of her, like “What is your favorite classic video game console?” Go to her Twitch when she’s playing with Carolyn Petit and ask her a question lol, she won’t say anything because she doesn’t know anything.

Sarkeesian intentionally created a climate of fear around her critique, that if devs didn’t listen to her they were sexist evil little misogynists. A lot of devs were largely forced to change out of fear.

Only a retard would pretend to know about games they’ve never played. I openly admit I’ve not played any new mainstream games that have been released in the last year. I don’t care though lol.

I’m just here waiting for this game to hurry up and flop. Don’t care about any drama surrounding this game. Pretty sure its gonna suck.

I admire Mariah’s honesty. She’s worth half a billion dollars, so I doubt someone with that much money could live in the real world. Plus, some people are born to do certain things and for her it was to perform, not do a mundane 9 to 5 kinda job.

She’s been getting kidnapped since the 80s you dumb shits.

Reflections is probably my favorite song from this album, even if it’s described here as being “generic."