J. Alora

I assume he will be crushed by a collapsing palapa.

Yeah this season flopped hard.

To paraphrase The Monarch, Michael Moore's totally hitting that age when men start to look like somebody's aunt.

There's so much MSG in KFC that you couldn't taste eleven herbs and spices even if they still bothered to put them in there.

"Industrial Society and its Future" feels a little more right every day.

I'll take those two Frogs LPs you're purging.

Nobody with a voice as terrible as Kanye's deserves an A for anything. He could be the greatest lyricist and producer of all time and I still couldn't stomach his shitty singing.

REFORMED pedophile.

Been trying to get my sister to watch for ages. We grew up on all the same shit. We know all the Simpsons trivia. But I just can't get her to join me on this one.

Dear lord look at Hank… The move to New York has finally brought on his inevitable rap phase. He looks like an extra in a Marky Mark video.

I'd forgotten how good the music videos were for this album, especially "1979". Just a perfect marriage of song and visuals.

Jihad Jerry. Never forget.

Great era for music, but man this show is terrible.

The episode where Peppa discovers everyone can whistle except her had a legitimate laugh out loud moment when Peppa hangs up on Suzy Sheep. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I actually bought Phil Rudd's solo album.

Alice in Chains opening for Van Hagar on the F.U.C.K. tour. Even with "Man In The Box" in heavy rotation on MTV (I believe at that point it was a "Buzz Clip") people nearly booed Alice in Chains off the stage. Chants of "EDDIE! EDDIE!" during "Bleed The Freak". What a tragedy.

You really think "Boyhood" was well-written? That dialogue sounded fresh and natural to you? It was horrid.

I agree. "The Theory of Everything" is the worst of the nominated films.