Password is Taco


I feel his pain. I drove a 458 for (what felt like) ten minutes. There is absolutely no other experience. WHAT A MACHINE!!!!

I’m one to support the police force in a positive and grant SOME people the benefit of the doubt for not knowing prior knowledge of a certain vehicles history.

I know that too well (I fish often *satanic laughter*)


“ Now, keep in mind that the 1979-1993 is perhaps the least Mustang-looking Mustang there ever was, but that doesn’t seem to matter to most Musta-niacs as it’s been the most successful ‘Stang since the first one.”


*nothing but laughter from that glorious response*

hahahahaha the caption for this is beautiful

But they still managed to save the one in need, right??

Faith in humanity restored!!

Doubt she tinted them, def used car *assumptions being made*

if you mean “rustic taste” then yes!


Great, now there will be signs posted at every meet area “No Mustangs allowed”



Your average “pothole” on said turnpikes, nowadays.

I was PRAYING someone would put this up. Expectations filled. Thank you kind human being.

“argumentative bitch face”