Password is Taco

Im gonna be the one to say it.


this FTW

I can see the armorall from here.

Pops had an SLK230 for a while.

^Prestige Worldwide....wide....wide...

Im sold.

Does it matter that Im still playing the originals on my PS2??

Thats MUCH better

I like to dream big and be different from everyone else. Its just how I roll. But I LOVE a clean and stylish looking car!!

Yes, it seems they’re very stuck on tradition. I wouldn’t mind seeing them be at the top of the field for once. Im just a little tired of them being stuck in the same range of money, statistics, and especially the majority of the people who drive them who want a flashy car to drive once a year. That just agitates me,

Anyone else not seeing a woman military member?

These are dark and foul times

Ill take a reeses

Now I do lol

That sounds much better than what I said

Wasn’t concerned about price range.

Just here digging my own British handmade grave.


Its like whipping the bejesus out of a prius.