Password is Taco

This one FTW

If they made a wagon version of the GTI, I would go for it. More practicality for people with “family members” and “valuables”. Even though there would be a little more weight added, it would probably have better turning abilities if they widened it a little.

Tbh, neither have I. But if it were between owning a 4 door MINI or a 4 Door GTI, 4 door GTI wins. that MINI is UGLY. looks like a MINI SUV (see what I did there?)

absolutely not, I LOVE how the two door looks/ performs, great car overall. Would love to own one.



Good point. Well just leave it there, see how it goes.

I think that may be it.

Fixed it.

San Diego is the bees knees.

I have been put in my place.

“$200,000 picnic? How OOOOOOOvulent.”

Where do i get this?

Yeah thats everyone else reason.

Really? Im assuming more practicality from the 4 door.

Fixed it for you. Holy car.

More weight! extended body from an already good looking car!

valid point, if they have the two door option still, good for them, I like having my choices

Thankful that i can
