matches the color of the product you sell...
Helicopter, obviously...
Not if the jeep is over a decade old. Rich kids be like “Ew, OMG, a driving turd.”
A wife? You crazy motherfucker.
Everyone in high school would think that italian car= who did you kill to afford this?
after this, her nose would be in other places...
can’t tell if that was a joke or being absolutely serious.
I think you're right but it may seem larger due to the color plastic on the bottom, which is a nice addition compared to the older model. no more tacky black plastic!!!
For the reason to create contradiction or to not do this with a range rover?
I could've lived my life not knowing about that useless era and been completely fine. now my life is ruined. Thanks Obama...
thats contradicting. a lot of contradicting.
After the clarkson firing, those supplies are scarce
This one. This made me laugh.
Looks like the car companies are going duke brothers style.