Password is Taco

"..like wut?"

Fixed it

Man I COMPLETELY forgot about this


Then you ask yourself, could the truck hold that weight?

bet nobody thought of that until now.

All of these replies

Oh god, not ford, I thought they were better than that....

Well done, Lamborghini....

I can't even

Wow Honda, I am actually impressed....

...Except for the rear fender portion. But I can get by.

You pass. B+!


the front is beautiful but i think they forgot the second portion of the car....

Fucking French Commies....

Thank. GOD.

I agree with you. When tracks aren't available, more stuff like this will happen. Proven and such.

Obamacare, now thats a different story that no one should listen to or tell...

Shhhhhhhhh...dont be like the rest of them....

HAHA I got that reference,

Shit happens?