Password is Taco

id rather see whats in that engine than see this one...while in motion.....

Police department just released who will be driving the new SUV cop car

all I know is ORGASM

What SHOULDVE happened to the titanic

What the chinese are actually driving. CAN YOU BLAME THEM??? its called "The Wraith"

Thats more intimidating than one of these fuckers:

"Isn't that right, Herb?"

Haha. His name is HERB. Thats the name of a FUCKING PLANT!!!!

twice. because I laughed. HARD.



Did anyone notice the pigeons on top of the container when the tomahawk hit it????

This is what happens when theres little to no funding for a legitimate nuke

*guys laughing in the background* Hey guys, he's still in there.....

This makes me re-evaluate life

The guys that gives the legitimate answer^

I worship Texas!!!!!!!! YOU ARE SAINTS!!!

Clearly Darth Helmet must have been at the wheel
