
It’s like reading Parallel Universe Alissa Walker.

If you’ve ever been privileged enough to spend time with a horse regularly, you’ll know it’s a bit of a double-edged

notoriously rust prone aluminum

People who are trying to prove that "STEel'S BEttEr thAn AluMINuM!!!1!!!" :)

Bless your heart.

I really wish Jalopnik would kill off Lanesplitter. After Sean MacDonald was let go this blog has been on a huge downward spiral. Nearly 50% of the articles on the front page are strictly two wheels bad. Granted there have been a few tragic deaths over the weekend, but the real issue is there has been a lack of

God I want to buy this and paint it beige.

Ah yet again, another “no fucks given” car that looks like it was deliberately and carefully designed to look like the owner didn’t give a fuck.

I totally dig it, but let’s be real here.

Am I the only one not impressed about haphazardly throwing a bunch of parts together to make a fast, working, mess. Just doesn't work for me no matter how many fucks not given.

“Walkers” It is both true and a nice homage to Alissa.


RedBull - It can also take back your wings.


Metric vs SAE high five issues.

I like how Chris grabs Matt’s hand in a total (and admittedly common) misunderstanding of how a high five is supposed to work. Matt’s face is all “no, that’s not right”.

Anyone else want to beat the shit out of Chris Evans with a tennis racquet?

Kodak could totally use this exposure in the press. Even if it's negative.