Jalop is Dead

These two statement are directly at odds with each other:

Your not losing any money by financing....well you lose the interest on the loan but you can very easily negate that with investments. Taking all of your money and putting it into the car up front is the most financially irresponsible thing you could do because if you ever need cash you will have to find a title loan

This always makes me wonder how they price their vehicles. Do they simply add up all the cost and just divide it by the number they can sell in a year and then dont redesign for 10 years and pull profits on the other 9 years of the model run? Seems like they just create the number out of thin air....and it works!

Well as long as the refuel doesnt take more than 30min. then all is fine. Normally takes about about 30min to fill 300gal of gas and take a poop.

This. Trucking industry needs to have no range limits. Local deliver, sure, works all day long. Long distance....you need unlimited range. A driver can drive for 11 hrs. At 60mph, thats 660 miles before a driver change. A number of carriers utilise two drivers for around the clock transport. One sleeps while the other

And this is why I love Jalopnik comments section. Thanks for the read!

Also wild that they generate very significant downforce just by turning the exhaust outlets upwards. Basically 8 small jet afterburners pushing the motor into the pavement. 

DOH! You are correct!

You are correct!

I was going to point out that its an automatic but given this is a “racing” application I think this is a great choice. Have heard that the SMG in these is actually quite nice....no experience but just feedback from some local BMW CCA guys here.

You need to fuck right off with all your hate. I am HAPPY for both involved. It is a celebration for BOTH parties. Not sure why your fuckass is in here trying to spread false interpretations of my very unbiased comment.

LMFAO, you dont know me and I dont need to prove myself. I know my contributions to society and am more than comfortable with what I have done and continue to do. So please tell me how my “dig” amounts to me being mad that this guy recieved a vehicle?

What are you talking about? Its phenomenal that Ford gave him a new vehicle! Fuck off if you think he didnt “deserve” it.

We should demand gear driven timing.

Some of the best marketing money can(t) buy! 

Did I say somewhere that Torch was phenomenal? No, I did not. Not sure what your issue is.....

Please read this quote at the end of this very article:

I mean....we are dragging our feet with simple steps that help the climate....you think we were actually going to get autonomous cars in a few years? We are decades away from that, if ever.

I do agree that some cars can be much much much more trouble for a headlight bulb replacement.....that doesnt mean you just dont do it. If its out of your abilities, there are literally thousands of shops in and around NYC that could handle this same day. No excuse to drive around without headlight for multiple weeks.