Jalop is Dead

I am a human who looks like a troll, got it?

Its wild to me that once you graduate (in the USA) your basically good to go the rest of your working life. 

Might attract some valuable people.....

Well I sure as shit dont want fucking incompetent politicians holding up a seat for 45 years just to get that sweet government benefit package and +$100k salary. If you actually have a passion for change (which EVERY politician claims) then do it for the pay that you authorize as “sufficient” for the rest of

Politicians should work for minimum wage. Police should be paid 4x minimum wage and training should take 4 years minimum. Universal/Federal database that tracks all complaints and weapon discharges.

You are correct and I am dumb. 

It was more of a rip on the fact that people who prefer ICE to EVs seem to get shit on with the ammo that EVs are better for the environment, better for efficiency, better for acceleration, better for maintenance, better is arguably every performance metric except for energy density of fuel.

A V8. There are 4 cycles per explosion. 8 cylinders. That means that there are 2 explosions per one rotation. The other 6 cylinders are in the other 3 cycles.

The V8 was put in things because it did more than just add power—it totally changes the character of the vehicle.

Ok buddy, cops have no place in your life. But to those that cant protect themselves, the police offer a service to the community. A few bad instances should not discount the millions of helpful hands the police have provided in the past.

Why use a mirror if you can turn your head? I get what your saying but if safety is the concern (it should be) then nothing beats having a full field of view at 1:1 scale. Looking into a rear view mirror, at best, is a 4:1 scale (from your eyes). It just seems WAY more sure to use your eyes and not a reflection on a

Fat guy in a little coat. Thanks for the laugh!

Honest question, do you look in the rear view mirror when backing up? I dont know why it just came to my mind but I dont think I have ever looked at the rear view mirror while backing up. I turn my head and check side mirror.....just never looked at the rear view mirror!

So if I were to come over tonight and egg your house and slash your tires....your just gonna let it happen? Or what if I was to walk up to your significant other and slap them in the face as hard as I can.....your just gonna watch me? Thats some fetish shit, dude. What if I slam into your car and just drive

Cute that you think cops dont do anything or are so far gone that you only think they do bad. The system is fucked. No doubt. Police CAN be useful and are on the front of MOST peoples mind when they need protection. 

The big irony here is that there is a 100% chance you will dial 911 if your life is ever in danger or have had a crime committed against you. 100% chance.

These cars are cool.....when youre 9 years old. What style of person actually has the means to afford building a car and then settle on this? YouTube gamers?

Is the little snowflake hurt? Tell me where the sun hurt you.....

LMFAO, your still two dumb too get it, aint ya?

What wild affect I have on youre mental state. Its as if your two hell bend on won aspect of this conversation your in.