Jalop is Dead

No one is forcing YOU to do anything. It just gives back the option of freedom.


There are a number of places where this is true in the USA. Google it. Be amazed. 

If they are also out in public, then they have a higher likelihood of contracting the virus. I am not advocating for me to come over to your house and hang out while playing beer pong and sharing cigarettes. 

YOU can listen to whomever you want and assess the risk to whatever metrics you value. I am lobbying for YOU to stay in doors and MYSELF the freedom to choose when I am in public. Right now that choice has been heavily restricted.

Tell that to the people who think we are going to stay in house arrest for a year.

Fear is much more motivating than logic though so the fearful will keep hammering the drum that we will not be safe for at least a year. We cheat death every day. Live with it because the only other option is death. 

Better watch out Erik, there are a lot of people on this websites comment section that will think freedom of choice means murdering all of their family. 

Is the better option to force EVERYONE out of work?

The risk of opening means a higher risk of massive spread of the virus and subsequent death due to overloading of the hospital system. I think we can all agree with that. What is really forcing people to run to each side is the risk vs reward cost.

hahaha, I literally have bought....things.....from a fella named Jim Tom. All the more accurate!

I have a wide range of drinks. Just wanted to see if you labeled that beer since it uses barley malt. I will say its hard to beat a case of Coors Light when watching Motorsports all day when its hot out.

If its got a taste, it aint shine! Down a shot or three, drop two cinnimon stick in, fill rest with apple cider and a dash of sugar, proceed to get hotter than a pistol.

What do you call the fermented rice water in the cans labeled Coors, Budweiser, & Miller?

BS story? It happened. Dont know what else you want to prove. My thought of the car happend. Dont know what else you want to prove.

Are you confused? I admitted in the comments before you got here that I was modified.

240sx weight: 2750lbs wet

I am no suggesting conspiracy but I am suggesting poor decision making by our governments.

The current highest density of COVID-19 positive people is in NYC. The densest populated city in USA is NYC. The most probable location for this to spread as fast as possible is NYC.

What else have we done that wasnt needed? There are +130,000 active cases in NYC right now.