Jalop is Dead

At this pace of isolation, we could be in this for a few years. The world is being shut down and the repercussions are going to literally wipe out whole parts of our society. Whole sectors of the economy are going to come to a standstill and not be able to recover. What happens when all the hotels go into bankruptcy?

“For your contribution, here is a check for $10,000....but for some reason our accounting department issued checks for $15,000. Just deposit the check, mail us $4,000 cash and keep and extra $1,000 for your troubles.”

eMost big rigs have about 400hp-500hp. Some of the older ones can even be under 300hp. HP is just one factor in moving material. Torque and gearing are king when it comes to hauling.

I dont think there has ever been a competent, intelligent person elected into government. So perhaps you are correct but we will never know. 

I wasnt aware that you asked a question.

Its more that they care about the audience and are trying to take some risks while being upscale and classy. Less about just the manual, more about what they are as a company. Lets face it, BMW has been on a mission to make fast, technological, sophisticated, machines that are now trying to replicate mechanical

A little sensitive about your garbage pile, are we? Everytime there is an article about the rest of the country, New York always has to come out as proclaim how everyone else should live. Like rats in a sewer. I have 5 words for you and they are not “You are totally right, dude.” They are “New York is a Shithole.”

The grass is always greener.....

Thats not what he said. He was complaining about lack of tests but hasnt tried to obtain a test. Histeria starts with misinformation. Panthercougar is drumming that same line of “there isnt any tests” but yet has not experienced a lack of tests.

Calling people retards....thats a great look for you! I hope every time your child asks a question, some troll jump out from behind them and scream in their face “dont you fucking know anything your little fucking retard, aaaahahahaha you are so stupid you should just give up you pathetic cunt

Hot Take:

“The Government doesnt do ANYTHING to help us”

Those two ideas are mutually exclusive. Essential things cant go on if everyone participates. Even if EVERYTHING stopped and we went back to cavemen, there would still be a subset of individuals that strive to watch the world burn and would somehow continue the spread. Its just not even an option, not one to discuss

Because you realized how dumb your “frustration” is and you just like to complain? Good one. Solid take. I hope you can complain a bit more about something soon.

In case you forgot, you said this as the opening statement of your comment:

So you havent experienced a lack of tests? You are just hammering the drum for no reason? Are you any closer to figuring out how histeria starts? Hint, its because of people blindly hammering a drum. Stop.

Thats an idealist perspective. In the real world, people need running water, electricity, medication, food, people ready for emergencies (like burning your hand on the stove while your home, etc) as well as police and other enforcement bodies. There must be people to perform those tasks.

she would likely be denied a test.

Until the Thanos-virus is done with its sweep I suppose. 

I’ll listen to the experts instead of some jalopnik rando