Jalop is Dead

And Uber is not breaking any workers rights.

Looks like you brought a hamburger to a steakhouse. 

I would much rather believe they made a 28lb engine fully dressed. 

Your fundamental flaw is thinking that employment isnt an agreement but a right.

Trains and ships use diesel as the generator and electric motors as the drive units. Increases efficiencies because the diesel can be set at an RPM for max efficiency. The electric motors can turn huge amounts of storage energy into torque with relatively great efficiency.

Ok let me rephrase. Everyone doesnt deserve a living wage. Hard to stomach, huh?

They arent investing in themselves. They CAN put this money to use in a lot of ways that are completely legal. Like showing other potential investors their balance sheets that include those figures in the bottom line.

Right! And “Oh..No...” thinks buyers know the specifics of all new vehicles sold. They dont even know how to use a turn signal much less how the suspension geometry for the new Camry is better for ride comfort than the new Altima. 

Take the $20,000,000 and invest it. Make $2-5million in a year. Pay for some new executives. Not bad for free money. 

Bullshit. I am a “car person” and I barely know what is out there (in terms of brand new vehicles and how they compare with other brand new vehicles). The average buyer knows how to drive and thats about their extent of automotive education. 


Thats a lot of excuses dude.

My point is billionares arent buying submarines just because I cant. Yes, they can. Which is the point I am making.

I always feel bad when I see a car show and they say “I got a call from this lady who says she has a 1965 Ferrari. She doesnt know much about it as it was her late husbands but she is moving to a retirement community and doesnt need to keep onto it” and when they show up its very straight and rust free ‘65 275 GTB

Sad news, this isnt a McLaren. This is a Gordon Murray car. 

Wrong. If you never use Uber, they will retain money. If you use Uber a lot, they pay drivers and pay a bit of your fare thus you are literally taking their money. If they keep losing big money, they will fail to attract new investors.

hmmm, I thought it loosely translated to Cybertruck? 

That beer wont deliver itself if you know what I’m saying. Gotta have torque for all that liquid gold. 

It is not merely that simple. I cannot buy a submarine. I dont know of a lot of submarine owning billionares outside of Richard Branson.

Psh, if your a real drive you are in charge of at least 6 Clydesdale horses. Anything else is like childs play.