Jalop is Dead

I remember when I was wrong once. I vowed to never be wrong again. I hope the same for you!

Whoa, can I have some of those party pills you are taking?

except we had electric cars before we had gasoline cars. 

obviously you didnt see ;)

This is a financially smarter move to buy this at a huge gamble than buy a brand new AMG for $100k. For this reasoning alone I think this is a NP. Buy it, thrash it, wait for the motor to explode, scrap yard, repeat. 

I think it has to do with ROI, plan and simple. The Big 3 take trucks seriously. Like life-depends-on-it seriously. Thats is their poster child for success. When Ford sells nearly a million pickups a year, rocking the boat is the last thing they want to do. So are you going to offer ICE and EV in the same platform?

This car was planned 5 years ago. Honestly, 5 years ago all auto makers were looking around the room wondering “are you going to dabble in this ‘Electric’ shit or is this Musk fucker’s company going to fizzle out and let us go back to work?”

IIRC as well, I think it IS a law that yellow lights are timed with the speed limit. A 55mph road will have like +7sec of yellow and a 25mph zone with have like 3.5sec of yellow.

Funny thing is you could have made it to San Juan in about 6.5hrs from SNA. Maybe add an hour if it was rush hour.

Too little information to tell....maybe he bought a 6 bedroom house, lives with 5 roomates, and makes $45k. 

So, according to Jalopnik or now LH, Uber is bad for drivers. So are you telling us to lie to Uber on every trip and say my driver was under the influence to get them banned from the app? Without drivers, Uber fails. So take them out one at a time?

And what is wrong with the the industry imploding? They are providing the consumer with too much tech as standard and inflating prices to $37.5k ATP. Its great the “economy” is doing “well” but for the average buyer, the car industry is just taking a massive shit on their finances.

I think a lot of it is people just arent good at judging the price of things. If you make $40k a year and go shopping for a car, you will get sticker shock. “OMG Honey, all these Camrys are over $30k on this lot!” so they go to another dealer “OMG Honey, all these Accords are over $30k on this lot!” so they go to

FB Mazda Rx-7

Does it need to? Some great driving can happen in a 888 equipped miata at below illegal speeds.

You are just driving on the wrong side of the road

See where I criticized that you cant just plant a tree to fix burning fuels.

Thats for a perfect burn. ICEs are no where near perfect burn efficiencies. They put a lot of particulates in the air that should be burned. 

Man, you must be an economic genius. People with $120k for a car are out there in the world in droves. I see a number of Cayenne Turbos, Tesla Xs, Q7s, X7s, G-wagons, etc etc. People with that cash do spend it. Its a question as to why they are spending it on inferior vehicles and I have no clue.

So they plan on planting trees to offset the burning of jet fuel? How can you just “erase” burnt fuel?