Jalon P Niklaus

There could be more context. Do we know which “n-word”? One of which, when said by an African American is nowhere near as incendiary as the other, said by a white person. Also, if said perpetrator is African American, that also changes things. Everyone is apparently assuming the obvious, but there may easily be

The only proper way to obscure the plate is with your thumb. Everybody knows that.

When your Kia/Hyundai gets stolen and subsequently totaled, this is a good option once you get the insurance payout. Secondary bonus - insurance cost should dramatically drop!

I want to star you, but your “you’re” is a real deal breaker. Meanwhile, I’ll be looking over my head to see if it is flying over me somehow. Otherwise, love the take!

Shoot, while we’re on the topic, I am certain there are many other applicable nozzles for the Jeep crowd. Nozzle for dripping simulated blood from angry eye headlights? Nozzles for spritzing pedestrians wearing T-shirts (bad idea)? Nozzles for misting the open cabin on a hot day? Nozzle for wafting a little Drakkar

TBH, seems fair to me. She sat in the car while you ran into the store — I’m not seeing the need for the car to be in a handicapped spot.

Sorry, Tesla owners, sporty car folks, etc — this lane has a height requirement and is restricted to vehicles under 6'.

I “made” this in response to the Biden “I did that!”, just to help straighten out the record.

Exactly what I saw.  For the discerning Bimmer rider who's lost a little spring in their step.

Small, flat, devoid of wind, speed limits below 50 km/hr, and with no other traffic. Other than those small stipulations, I love it.

I’ll say this thing is pretty, low, and aero! Maybe I am in the minority, but I’m a huge fan of the entire design and the efficiency is a killer bonus. That rear end, in particular, is one of the best I have seen.

Pretty sure there is a reason this Tesla has gone so many miles and hasn’t crashed yet -- there are no all white tractor trailers crossing in front of it.

Was all ready to masochistically tickle the NP until I saw that crooked radio.

Ah, yes — yet another terrible and terribly priced car whose only possible value is as a period correct prop on a movie set.

Name checks out.  Will defer to you on this one!

I like this idea. My brain veers off into — the possibility of a K24 turbo or Tesla motor swap... Teach her humility all the while knowing what you have is actually fast and cool as hell.

Jalops the world over are sobering up and sinking into shameless hypocrisy. What they know deep down, is that the holy grail needs hrsprs and 88 of them ain’t gonna cut it, no matter how many times they say “Slow car, fast is fun!”.  

Who knows how it happened.  Just happy it did.  If I had one of these, I'd definitely keep it that way.  I'd love the look on passengers' faces while I say "What are you talking about?"

Agreed 100%. I’ve got a bit of a hobby buying/finding and repairing bikes, and anything from the last 10 years gets real odd and proprietary real quick.

Fair then.  Trek does have something or other about a trade in deal -- https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en_US/retail_bbb_bike_trade_in/