
At the start of this episode, I was thinking maybe it was too much darkness without enough humor. Then Barry showed his son videos of kids dying in little league, and I just fucking lost it.

Willa had some real bangers this episode. “Will we be able to live above ground?” The entire Connor sub-plot was hilarious starting with the opening offer being Ambassador to Somalia and ramping up from there.

Proud of myself for calling Mattson trying to use the deal to cover something up.

“They’re not all cryptofascist right-wing nutjobs, we also have some venture-capital Dems and centrist ghouls.”

Eh, I took it like he was so scared he didn’t even realize what he was doing wrong. 

Fancasting time!

On top of that, I’m pretty sure with was sliced bread inside the plastic. He didn’t even need to cut it, just open up the additional plastic seal.

We liked it, but this is my pet peeve, especially with streaming shows which seem to do it a lot. This was not a full season with a cliff hanger. This was a half season that did not tell a complete story and hoped to get renewed so it could finish the plot. I hate that.

Jim Moss’ sigh and reply as he sees Sally come home to her apartment (and he knowing Barry is in there) felt like a “Now I guess I’m going to have to kill her as well...”

As someone who owns a Houston Oilers hat and lives no where close to Texas, I feel targeted.

The Raven flies again!

Speaking of Gene’s bread adventures, I’m pretty sure he was also trying to cut through the plastic bag, instead of taking the loaf out first.

I agree. Ronny was lethal and had an almost Rasputin-like ability to withstand injury, but his daughter was a demon!

All that matters is ITYSL season 3. Happy to skip most of May and go straight to the 30th

HBO taking pot shots at Rip Torn (RIP Rip). Artie helped build that network god damn it! 

No mention of Shiv’s consumption (or lack thereof) of alcohol and assumedly coke throughout the episode?

I personally love GI Jeff, and that it informs the season 6 joke:

Elroy: “you’re a clever young man”

I still never watched the Yahoo season but it was pretty funny how much money Yahoo lost because of it. 

Now playing

I don’t know how anyone could have seen Paget Brewster in S6 and thought it wasn’t worth watching:

Kubrick’s films are more varied.