
God, I even remember arguing with a co-worker about the whole WMDs thing, pointing out that Bush et. al. had provided no evidence, not even to Congressional committees. My co-worker was a raging liberal anti-establishment type and somehow even he was like “no no, we have to trust the president.” /facepalm

No but two were killed by gum!


Mission Impossible, if you count that.

...it just may finally be time, in the words of Dwayne Hicks, to call game over, man.

I assume she’s in it, or else there’s a pretty major plot thread that’s going to get dropped or resolved off-screen.

This! I’d never heard of her or seen her in anything before Maisel, and I could tell she was going to break out big time. A few years and an Oscar nomination later, I can say I underestimated her. 

let’s go. people must actually be watching or it would have been canceled by now. was definitely expecting some ‘it’s done’ news.

In Episode 1, Marlene intended to take Ellie to the Capitol building, but was wounded in the shootout with Robert. So she hired Joel and Tess to take Ellie.  Marlene didn’t know how badly she was wounded, or how long it would be before she could travel again, and she wanted to get Ellie to the Firefly doctors right

Have you posted that short story link in a comments section before?
(Many thanks if so.)
Someone did awhile back and I read and forwarded it to at least two others.
Loved it; it was fascinating.
(Especially having watched too-many-times-to-count Carpenter’s and the prequel of a decade ago, which brilliantly built on the

How bad are these dudes at hunting?

Ellie found a rabbit and a buck in like 2 hours. How bad are these dudes at hunting?”

Yeah, my first thought when they mentioned game being scarce was “wait, humanity has been mostly gone for two decades. The woods should be absolutely TEEMING with deer, rabbits, etc.” We had 18 months with people just mostly inside

Sure, smart urban planning could have potentially stopped its spread, but you saw what happened with the beginning of Covid: people flipped the fuck out, and started fighting each other for TP. Humans will backstab each other if it means their own survival, so the idealistic thinkers might have something to worry

I always felt like The Thing “wanted” to land in a city center or at least an area dense with fauna, so it could quickly become a kaiju and overtake the planet. Like that’s what typically happens with its species, and the movie events just have it stuck in pre-kaiju stage because there’s only a few sweaty dudes around

The more I find out about cordyceps the more it becomes clear that society could easily reform with networks of sporadic settlements that make it difficult for the infected to spread efficiently. Even without a cure it kind of feels like some smart community planning could solve everything.

I am still trying to understand why game is so scarce for David and Co. Like, it’s not keeping me up at night or anything, but in this hypothetical world 20 years after most of humanity has been eliminated, the animal kingdom should be doing pretty well. With the cordyceps plague, most animals’ natural predator

I want the post-post-apocalyptic story where the real heroes are the urban designers so badly

Pity he wasn’t Pedro Algol. Then he could be Pedro Pascal and in the future Pedro Modula-2 and finally Pedro Oberon.

I watched a few of his episodes of the Good wife, I can barely tell that its him.

quick and not fully formed hypothesis to explain it: perhaps because much of those things are analog?