
I want to see a transcript of the meetings involving the design team. These issues must have been voiced at some point, which I’m guessing were ignored by the CEO who thought, “oooh, a DeLorean had a baby with an El Camino, let’s get this into production.”

OMITB makes me crave more cross-generational casts that aren’t necessarily familial. Selena Gomez isn’t even the 100th person I would have selected as a perfect scene partner for two boomer comedy legends but it works so damn well. It’s good that people called out the post but it’s pretty clear from Gomez’s collective

Leave The World Behind was a great book. It certainly had eerie timing with the pandemic. Too bad the film seems to channel the book’s one weakness -- explaining the world-stopping calamity rather than allowing it to be unresolved. The relationships among the characters and the power dynamics are what made the story

Fully acknowledge this is a trailer, which probably favors the action-y elements of the film — which I will watch the hell out of once released. Just glad we got The Mank out of the way.

This looks fine, though it feels really down the middle, genre-wise. Even the mantra, “trust no one” is about trope-iest trope that ever did trope. I love Fincher for his dissection of the male mind (Mind Hunter, The Social Network, Zodiac). Having trouble seeing him doing much mining here, though maybe they’re just

I worked at a place like this in high school. It wasn’t for FOP or first responders, but it was really shady. And also one of the few places readily hiring people with records (as noted in the doc). Definitely not aboveboard but also, honestly, a service for the community in a perverse way.

PTG and Jury Duty were probably the most fun, inventive hybrids I’ve seen (excepting The Rehearsal). 

The 2023 recipient of the Brett Favre Award for Dignity in Sports

Whenever each of these hits streaming, it will do so with an AMPTP member that will benefit from the broken strike without giving in to its demands. 

I remember floating through the warm amniotic fluid inside my mother and thinking, “Hell yeah, bro, I am a MAN!” Then I pounded a beer and bought some Dogecoin.

Malick so famously rewrites his films in editing; Tree of Life, Thin Red Line and Days of Heaven were all heavily reconceived post-shooting, going way off script. I remember Sean Penn saying he had no idea even what he was doing in Tree of Life. So, by giving Korine a script, one might get the chance to see what a

everyone knows you just THROW the baby at the musical artist. total amateur hour.

Would love more Army/Dawn of the Dead Snyder. These epics look great but no one in these epics has any sense of humor. I think that’s why I’ve always gravitated toward James Gunn’s films. He respects the characters and relationships but also gets that it’s all super absurd. 

Hawley is probably the better person to bring the Alien(s) world forward. Blomkamp’s worlds are beautifully made but I think his focus on that element of the craft underbakes the actual direction.

If/when the strike ends the execs’ underlings are going to have the most awkward jobs imaginable. Working every day, often face to face, with people who openly wanted to destroy you -- not sure how you come back from that. Every studio-creative meeting post strike is bound to have serious “screw you” undertones. 

It’s an odd waste of time for them to have been involved. If there was progress, execs coming in could in fact be a show of good faith, that the leadership supported the negotiations. But this, absent pro negotiators was a weird bullying tactic. They cannot read a room (in the literal and figurative sense). 

Then you should unsubscribe because these companies are laser focused on only one thing: profitability, not subscriber counts. These companies prioritized growth for years, providing access to platforms at rates that created a loss for most. That era is over. It’s not just streaming. And they need to set strict terms

embarrassment of riches situation here. no one i can think of sucks in this film

I’m not sure anyone doing these pranks(?) thinks about how unnerving it is to be on stage and have someone rush at you and you have no idea what their intentions are. Nothing worse than low-EQ edgelords.

I’m not entirely certain of that. I’ve seen Cera do bits on other sets, basically being a jerk to everyone, but in a truly playful way, but who knows. I feel like we would have heard more about any bad shenanigans by now, but maybe I’m naïve. Baruchel and Hill on the other hand -- that tension is real.