
This is the End is an amazing kind of film; it has an insane cast of newly or soon to be famous people, plus great (real-life) tension between two key actors: Jonah Hill and Jay Baruchel (who channels his lack of fame relative to his peers brilliantly). It also lets everyone be bad in a loose kind of way that I’m not

3 screens is for a household. Streamers do that to make it easy for say 2 parents and a kid or whatever configuration within a household to watch content. Streamers don’t want one sub to span 3 households. That would make the economics impossible. The alternative I suppose is to just charge for every single device and

I really neglected JTV, because that seems to have been an absolute monster on Netflix. It’s almost like CW was a content studio for Netflix that just happened to have a TV network. 

Of course not. Any more than me buying a seat in a theater entitles me to pile multiple people into that seat for the price of one.

CW is the weirdest experiment. It never made money. What money it made primarily came from licensing to streamers and foreign rebroadcasters. All its shows were niche and led the network to spend roughly 2 bucks for every 1 it earned. And it went on for 16 years.

And in fact one of the top revenue generators was licensing to streamers and foreign rebroadcast, not advertising on the CW itself. 

It’s notable that 2025 is still being kicked around as a serious deadline. For a major film like this and with a strike that is going nowhere fast that seems wishful. 

Yeah, physical media has such an odd end life issue. Everything I’ve read claims that DVDs generally have a 10-20 year lifespan (presumably not accounting for intense wear and tear via a DVD service). So storage just seems like something shareholders would question. Landfill feels most likely. 

I completely agree. Sometimes CGI inspires creators to do things just because they can, not because they feel necessary or weighty. What’s better than 10 things flying around on screen? How about 1,000? It definitely leads to clutter. But the underlying tech still really makes sense to me. For instance, a show like

Our hot new 2024 lineup: Burn Notice, Royal Pains and Psych. Or, as we call it, “huh, that’s still on?” TV! 

Worst dealership since Ashley Schaeffer BMW.

Fetishizing practical effects has always felt a bit odd to me. The best effect technique is the one that provides the best visual experience. Practical can be amazing, but sometimes you just need some damn CGI. Bad practical, like bad CGI, looks awful and degrades your ability to suspend disbelief. Practical effects

Not sure what they’ll do with the discs ultimately. Presumably they’re not going to pay people to place discs in their original packaging (if such packaging exists), but it’s amusing to imagine. They may also not be able to legally resell them under whatever terms they acquire the discs in the first place. So ... are

This job literally sounds like the best physical job on the market? This is truly great money and you don’t even have to be a manager dealing with corporate nonsense that typically bleeds into off hours. Looking at the benefits and other elements outlined here, this feels almost like one of those oft-mentioned blue

No show has squandered epic talent like seasons 3 onward. Sometimes a bunch of crazy talented people can somehow fail to make magic. 

This is the only correct opinion! :)

Season 2 cannot be beat. Ted Danson in a beard. Bokeem Woodbine in perhaps the best role of the entire series (I’m a Mike Milligan stan — his final scene in that sad little office is priceless). UFOs! Plemons-Dunst! Culkin definitely making Rye the Roman of the Gerhardt clan. Jean F-ing Smart!

It’s difficult to measure, but I think there has been so much lost pleasure with everything at your fingertips in a relatively short amount of time. Anticipation was part of the fun in the era of long-delayed physical media. But you cannot be a kid in 2 eras, so it’s truly difficult to know if that anticipation has

I think Barbie’s success was down to the FOMO being strong enough that even waiting 45 days was simply too long for many. Most movie’s can’t count on that.

We’re all laughing, but that dude is still just one stroke or heart attack (or one poorly chewed bite of McDonalds) away from zooming to the front of the Republican hopefuls.