History lesson for 8th graders in 2050
“Who killed more Americans in 9 months than the Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany did in the 4 years of world war 2 ”?
History lesson for 8th graders in 2050
“Who killed more Americans in 9 months than the Empire of Japan and Nazi Germany did in the 4 years of world war 2 ”?
“The arrogance and stupidity of these people is breathtaking”
I think that when COVID is all said and done, the survivors of those that died from COVID and the healthcare workers who had to deal with this for so long and under such horrible conditions should all get a turn to shit on the Impeached Trump’s cheap, 12-k plated gold grave (I’m assuming he will die a slow and painful…
Geez, what a disappointing take. How about we celebrate these nominations, hope that they are confirmed and then wait a while to see how everyone is managing before throwing them under the bus just because....
Fun fact: none of the women on the Biden communications team were responsible for the killing of innocent beavers just so they can have ridiculously thick and obviously fake eyelashes.
STFU, Kayleigh.
I’m concerned he was on national TV.
Actually, that’s a merkin...
For those of you concerned that Giuliani was bleeding on national television
Wow, in that pic, I thought Tiffany was a mannequin. Okay, I mean sex doll.
The reason I almost want Trump to go for that media empire, supposedly it would be built off of OAN, is that not only would it split some of the audience from Fox’s talking heads, but Trump is such a horrible businessman that watching its inevitable collapse would hilarious.
And think of the twist ending! He despised Obama with every fiber of his soul. Becoming POTUS and destroying Obama’s legacy was his grand ambition made manifest. But who comes in and rips it all away from him? Obama’s VP!
Seen on the DC streets today:
That one kid, who calls timeout and wants to restart the game cause he’s losing bad.
Peelin’ that extra-strength band-aid off slowwwwllllyyyyyy....
I am all for watching the Impeached Orange Dumbsicle just writhe in pain and anguish while the counting goes on. Another week of watching pollsters counting votes please!
Like what the fuck were they assuming was going to happen?
If every single person but Graham has agreed to and taken a test, then they should go on like normal, and Graham should be turned away. They can put a sign on his podium that says “Lindsey Graham forefeit his appearance at tonight’s debate because he refused to follow agreed-upon rules or demonstrate basic courtesy to…
I was in no way ready for Senator Pimple-popper.