

Whoa! never thought I’d see my job on here haha. But that’s about right, each state sets the requirements and prices along with rules for what is allowed on the logo sign (letter heights, supplementals, etc.) I didn’t know about how it worked either and now I’m the designer in charge of all of it.

First, pass along to any you may have contacts with that we’ll wait until he’s better if Amazon will let them, would rather see them all at their best, then just trying to meet the schedule.

Years ago I read a story about the time when Lotus was building the first series of Ford Cortina Lotus. Some people in Dearborn were nervous about the Lotus operation so they sent an engineer to audit the process - without warning, of course.

Depends on the underpants and the car.

Why are they on the front page? BECAUSE THEY ARE BITCHIN’!

Oh god why are my vans on the front page

I just donut what to say... Do they come with extra sprinkles?

Playskool says tall and made Scary’s dream a reality

Let’s get creative, though.

We’re #7! USA USA