
Vinegar, one of the banes of my existence. Just label the type, instead of generic vinegar in the ingredient lists. At least my gluten tester catches the problem most of the time. Oh, and Chinese black vingear? Might be sorghum based,etc..., but the brands I have checked are at the very least cross contaminated with

English is a living breathing language, like any other. How the language is used gets determined by actual use over time, and how to use dashes may turn into a footnote as subtle differences get ignored. Personally, I will be rolling when they start teaching proper emoji and texting shortcut in English class. May take

Nah. Standard in Korea. USA is just old fashioned. 😊

Ever see a delivery driver take a pizza box delivery and stuff it sideways under their arm as they run out the door? English as second language issue, and we couldn’t get the drivers attention as they ran out the door. Put another pizza immediately in the oven, extra breadsticks and a two liter, then called the

I avoid the bulk bins. Due to wheat allergy, I don’t need another possible reason for cross contamination due to the product or the bins are switched out, but not cleaned, or not handled correctly when loading. And yes, I am fairly sensitive to small amounts.

Rice cooker. Simple pop the button/switch, let it go until it dings. It is a unitasker, but it is probably the most useful, and gets used more than the instapot or slow cooker by me.

Write your list in the order of the aisles you travel.

So, take the pasta and drown it in lecithin? All you are looking for is a water oil binder right?

Mise en place on the cheap, and dessert too! I might be tempted, if I didn’t have to down it with a handful of lactase pills.

Waste of money. Either get the hot variety, or do not. I have had the extra hot stuff years ago. I have eaten scotch bonnet, habanero, and ghost pepper chili raw before. Now, I have more interest in flavor, vs just heat. 

I splurge on oddball stuff. But I do splurge on good bread. Well, good gluten free bread. My oddball ingredients are for recipes to allergen free recipes of dishes I can not normally eat. Chickpea miso and chinese fermented mustard greens for Dan Dan noodles.. A brand of reportedly gluten free black Chinese vinegar

Nope. Not even if it's gluten free. I'll spend my efforts on other dishes.

Buying right now with all the stimulus money frothing the water does not make a lot of sense. Many are using the money as down payment for new and used cars because they can. If your car runs right now, wait a year and get a better selection and deal. My wife has eyes on a new kid hauler, but if I wait a year, I will

Chill out. There was an ice cream truck that went by the church in the middle of our wedding ceremony. We didn't even notice, and laughed about it when people told us later. 

We had birthday celebration yesterday on the deck with a couple of friends that have their shots. Set up three tables, masks, since the kids don't have shots, and I just received my first. Good food and cake was had.

And... Don't even know if I have to check. I only eat the gluten free pasta, and none of it has meat products in it. (Allergy to gluten finally paid off? Nah.)

Not suprising. NYT looked at it, said, will this cost money? How much money are we getting from it? We don’t collect revenue from FB site? Kill it.

Is it time to make kasha varnishkes? Yes, yes it is.. I know I have a box of bow tie pasta around here somewhere.

And... Slow cooker in my family. Throw it in in the morning, come home and add the cabbage, wait a tick or tock, then dinner. Is sous-code or stovetop boil better? Meh, it is good enough. Now if you will excuse me, I have to see if I can add five pounds of butter to a pound and a half of potatoes, and save a carrot at

Overpay? Thanks for the money. These are states, and some just are cruddy.