
You can still drop off sides from your cookout, so your neighbors can sample something different, or coordinate an exchange.

Looks delicious, but I don't own a doodle making device. (Something about Alton Brown and unitaskers). Not running out to buy one, but now I know what to do if I get gifted one.

Went to the actual archives to check out the recipes.... Could not find them. Old community recipes can be interesting, and show more of what was popular at the time and place, was hoping to get a link to browse that wasn't Facebook. I think the archives need to work on tagging and uploading the images on the main

I have gotten sick off Jet’s pizza years ago... But I was undiagnosed as a celiac (wheat allergy) at the time. Tasted fine though.

As I have a lactose issue, I don’t do many white sauces. Mostly stuff like jambalaya, or a sauce to go with pasta. Not really had any issues, as I can always add some more gluten free rue if the sauce is not thick enough ( Or add chicken stock to thin out a sauce). For me, having rue prepped takes the work out of it

My recipe red flags are for when I can’t figure out a substitute for my food allergies and intolerance. So take that recipe with tofu and get lost, unless something like pork can work with it instead. Also, recipes that have a lot of prep and active cooking time. I just don't have the energy most days.

You can make your own rue with gluten free flours. Just do an extra large batch, and jar the excess. I have lactose issues, so I use a quarter to third empty jar of ghee, and use the jar for storing the rue after I finish making the rue. I haven’t done a gluten free starter, but that has to do with lack of energy on

You buried the lede! First Church of Torch.

Worst pizzas?

Nope, I am buying mine. I don’t have the energy to do one more extra, and I don’t want the family complaining about the smell. That said, my most ambitious homemade sauce was a soy and gluten free version of black bean sauce. It worked the first time, but I am looking forward to tinkering with the recipe. (Chickpea

So... It's past one am, and I think I have the ingredients, but I have to check if my ramen is tightly packed together enough to do this. (I have to do gluten free due to dietary restrictions, the ramen packets are packed differently). Maybe breakfast tomorrow... Mmm.

App won’t fix a cross contaminated commercial kitchen. That why I have a gluten tester, and only try out new stuff on the weekend or days off work. I have multiple dietary issues (gluten, soy, lactose), but gluten is he most sensitive for me. So trial and error is the method for me.

Um. Get a safe that locks. Secure safe, put your valuables in it. Go back to writing letters on other things, or finishing that novel. No more discussion needed, talking won’t solve the issue.

Just make flakey croissants with hard butter. Problem solved.

Um, green beans were in the garden when I was a kid, I was probably noshing on fresh green beans before I could walk. You want delicious vegetables, eating them strait out of the dirt before your mom could yell at you..mmm. When we grew corn, the pot would goon to boil before we picked and shucked the corn. There are

Needs a nickname like duck. If they could only paint them yellow.....

Worst tip? Dog bite delivering pizza. Don’t blame the dog, just had puppies, but it was a family that never tipped, probably because they didn’t have much money. Worst part was I found out after I was back at the store, where someone noticed the blood, and I couldn’t get a hold of the family in the phone after I got

I managed a Dominos back in the 90s, when a snowstorm shut down deliveries for all the competition, as their commissary / warehouse was further into Kentucky than Dominos. The trucks still couldn’t use the freeway, which was closed, but Dominos could  take the back roads... I just called the staff and said if you want

The sandwich cut in thirds reminds me of comedian Brian Reagan talking about the spring smidge half sprinkled donuts for lunatics like you. Mmm donuts. (No, not you, that was the line from the bit).

For the tiny garlic cloves, I cut the tops when still attached to the bulb root, then cut the root and smash the pile with the flat of the knife. Clears the peels off of most of them, and makes it easy to pop the ones that didn’t release out of the peels.