
So a mobile lounge complete with disco ball? Check, please. Cars are about packing people into the footprint or cargo, not a lounge. To not plan for maxing out either is a waste that is a non starter, even if the car is being used by 1 person 95% of the time.

Car companies are not paying retail on paint, when they buy by paint by the ton. And if a color is too expensive, well, it’s missing from the lineup for the next model year. Cost drivers are time and labor, figure the best deal you can get is a 50% markup.

Due to COVID cutbacks, comment of the day has been discontinued in favor of cough of the day. Any that don't kill you count as a win.

Eh? The Romans used to put fish sauce on everything (even ice cream) for more umami flavor. Live a little and try it on stuff, unless you’re allergic.

Can confirm. Regular soy has enough gluten to cause issues.... Unfortunately for me, tamarind and soy give me digestion issues, so I am stuck with the amino or seaweed soy alternative. Can’t wait to try some Red Boat fish sauce in my next chili.

Yep. And the 90s. And 00s ..... Then the letter campaign starts, and they make it again.....

As much as I love snark like Car Trek, it is nice to see unbridled joy and amazement that Torchinsky brings to the party. Positive glee over some metal slivers... just warms my heart. So, when are we going to get to see the 187 hour retrospective on micro car blinkers and semaphore? I am dying to know the correct

Reminds me of my dad, getting a Studebaker around 97 or so. Was not a sexy model, just a plain Jane one, that ran when my Dad bought it, and didn’t run when he sold it 6 years later. He had to sell it when the house was torn down for a strip mall parking lot (happiest day in that house, they paid way more that it was

If this is your main vehicle, pick whatever you want as your secondary.

Meh. Most vitamins are not needed, as you stated. The only way to know, is to get tested for deficiency. Then you end up taking a few specific ones.... ask me how I know...💊. 

Unless the wedding invitation is from Florida man, promising gator wrestling, arm wrestling against the MIL, and any beer, as long as it's BUD... It's tacky to ask to pay for the meal. If cute snark is lost on one invitee, not worth it, just makes you look bad.

Thanks Nick. I have some issues of my own, but it never got that bad. Hopefully you have sorted the cross contamination issues, which could have caused more reactions on foods that you can actually eat (without the cross contamination).

Celery? Root, that is...

I think you can live without trying Little Ceasers Pizza. Probably better than Pasquale’s Pizza (Charle Edward Cheese). But it has been years since I have had a fast food pizza, due to food allergies. 

10,000 liters is less than a truckload of 2 liters. A little over 15 pallets if I have my math correct. 4 years to plan, and Coca-Cola probably cranked it out in less than an hour on the production line.

How about strait up veg on breakfast sandwich? Onions and mushroom (pan fried is better than raw), maybe a slice of two of fresh bell pepper? I still have not tried some of the Asian versions from street vendors on youtube... They start with egg and shredded cabbage, then throw a kitchen sink with a burger patty at


My diet is already restricted due to food allergies and food intolerances. I try not to restrict my diet further. That said, portion size is what gets me, not a particular food. Plenty of fruits and vegetables, the rest in moderation. As most dietitian will say, any balanced diet will work and some diets that work are

So if Peterson Museum has an 1893 Black automobile that is non-functioning for over a Century, and restores and wants to plate it, they would have to pay all the back years of non-registration?

Now playing

Finnegan’s Garage reviewed it today....