
So, fancy hot pockets?

Hmm. Doesn't Feel a have that issue from time to time? So much that some insurance will total the car, depending on the part and wait...

Once called the back gate for a checked to follow up on something, and he was not available..... He was locked in the back of the trailer, and the drive to first stop was 50 miles away. Back before cell phones were everywhere, driver didn’t have a phone. He sheepishly waited until the driver unlocked the trailer at

Why can’t some scrambled egg cooked thin and cut in ribbons be added to a homemade egg roll? (The egg egg roll?) I know the appeal is to use leftover take out, but I have to make stuff from scratch due to my food allergies and food intolerances. Adding an ingredient is trivial if it’s not on my verboten list.

So when are we going to get mixed up mashed up recipes? Runza tacos, empanadas with steamed bun filling, burrito samosas and burrito bon mi?

This is America. We apply ranch dressing to the curtains and car tires. Hopefully your eating something tastier that a car bumper smothered in ranch dressing.

Hmm. All your local favorite sauces spice mixes etc. And you can already get them at your local place or grocery store? Where is the value add proposition? Having them available to order for delivery? How is this different from ordering from a grocery store?

I don’t hide any snacks or food. My kids don’t eat my snacks, and I don’t keep chocolate around, since I have a problem with soy and soy is in most chocolate. Maybe I just have boring snacks....

Ever had a big d*mn poster on your wall as a teenager?

Ferrari F40 for everyone. No nannies, stickshift.

They are gourmet. Seriously, it’s not far off car canopy prices, and it can go sideways off you vehicle. Shop around if your looking for something like this. 

Nicest article to throw shade I have seen in a while. Nicely done.

I hear Elon is doing an off Broadway Revival. He renamed it A AE X-12... Wait. He changed his mind, the play is now named S3XY Roadster Cybertruck. Scheduled for next month, next November...maybe in 5 years?

You can always check the cost in the parts catalogue, and see if the new seats are compatible with your car.....

We cook most of the time to begin with, since I am the picky eater, with food allergies and intolerance issues. While school was work from home and both of us working from home, I stepped up on doing the lunches, with my wife checking more on the kids progress during the day. We tend to do many tried and true recipes,

Great to see your needle bearing issue is fixed. My advise, enjoy the bike as is for now, and start getting your upgrades sorted for when there is bad weather, you can work on the bike if you can't ride it at that moment.

It's okay, you didn't get my goat with your sappy reply. ☺ Planely, I shaved it too close between spell check and post. 

Alas, it is knot for me.

Name variation on Tamale Guy? Hombre Tamale? Chico Tamale? Acapulco Tamale? Tipo's Tamale?

Yep. My dad had a slant six on a car that never died.... But one morning the engine was on the concrete, as the frame had rusted out and gave way. Had it towed away same day, and another $1000 beater two days later.